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Understanding DOM

DOM stands for Document Object Model, which is a programming interface for web documents.

It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. In other words, it is
a hierarchical tree-like structure that represents the structure of an HTML or XML document.

The DOM provides a way for programs to access and manipulate the content and structure of a web page

It enables developers to write scripts that can modify the content and attributes of elements on a web page in
response to user interaction, data input, or other events.
Transformation of HTML code into DOM
<!DOCTYPE html> Document
└── html
|-── head
<head> When a web browser loads this | └── title
HTML code, it parses it and
creates a DOM tree, which
│ └── "Example"
represents the structure of the web └── body
</head> page. The resulting DOM tree for
this HTML code would look like
├── h1
this | └── "Hello World!"
└── p
<h1>Hello World!</h1> └── "This is an example of a web
<p>This is an example of a web page.</p>



Here, ‘Document’ is a
root node whereas
‘html’ and ‘head’ are
its child node
What is DOM Rendering?
DOMS Rendering refers to the process by which a web browser takes the Document Object Model (DOM) tree of a
web page and renders it on the screen. When a web page loads, the browser first parses the HTML code and creates a
DOM tree, which is a hierarchical representation of the web page's structure.

The DOM is a hierarchical tree-like structure, where each element in the HTML document is represented as a node in the
tree or, simply it represents structure and content of the page. The browser then applies CSS styles to the DOM nodes and
performs a layout to determine the position of each element on the page. Finally, the browser paints the page and displays
it to the user. In this way HTML, CSS, and Java Script are converted into a visible user interface on a web page.

During the DOMS Rendering process, the browser also performs various optimizations to ensure that the page is
displayed as quickly and smoothly as possible. For example, the browser may delay the rendering of non-critical
elements until after the page has finished loading or use a technique called lazy loading to only load images as they
become visible on the screen.
Understanding DOM Rendering

The Document Object Model (DOM) is  a

programming interface for HTML and XML
It defines the logical structure of documents and the
way a document is accessed and manipulated
manipulates the
• Read page as
• Create a DOM
• Create a
Render Tree
• Paint

The Cascading Style Sheet language

describes the look and formatting of a
document written in markup language.
The Rendering Process
Here's how DOM rendering works:

1. Parsing: When a web page is loaded, the browser starts by parsing the HTML code and creating a DOM tree. The
parser reads the HTML markup and creates a tree of objects that represent the structure of the page.

2. Creating the Render Tree: After the DOM tree is constructed, the browser creates another tree called the Render Tree.
The Render Tree is a subset of the DOM tree that includes only the elements that need to be displayed on the page.

3. Layout: Once the Render Tree is created, the browser calculates the position and size of each element based on the
styles defined in the CSS files. This process is called layout.

4. Painting: Finally, the browser paints the pixels on the screen according to the calculated layout and renders the web
 (e.g., <html>, <p>) and


First, the raw bytes of data are converted into characters and characters into tokens. Essentially,
an HTML file is broken down into small units of parsing called tokens and this process is
called as Tokenization.

When we save the file with the .html extension, we signal the browser engine to interpret the
file as an HTML document. The way the browser interprets this file is by first parsing it.

In the parsing process, and particularly during tokenization, every start and end HTML tag in
the file is accounted for.The parser understands each string in angle brackets (e.g. <html>,
<p>) and understands the set of rules that apply to each of them. After the tokenization is
done, the tokens are then converted into nodes.  A node is nothing but a distinct object with
specific properties.

Upon creating these nodes, the nodes are then linked in a tree data structure known as
the DOM. The DOM establishes the parent-child relationships, adjacent sibling relationships,
etc.  The DOM establishes the parent-child relationships, adjacent sibling relationships, etc. 
 (e.g., <html>, <p>) and


Nodes are also formed, and, finally, a tree structure is formed. CSS has something called the cascade. The cascade is how the browser determines what styles are applied to an
element. Because styles affecting an element may come from a parent element (i.e., via inheritance) or have been set on the element themselves, the CSSOM tree structure
becomes important.

This is because the browser has to recursively go through the CSS tree structure and determine the styles that affect a particular element.

Now, the browser has the DOM and CSSOM objects.

 (e.g., <html>, <p>) and


The DOM and CSSOM tree structures are two independent structures.

The DOM contains all the information about the page’s HTML element’s relationships, while the CSSOM contains information on how the elements are styled.

The browser now combines the DOM and CSSOM trees into something called a render tree.

The render tree contains information on all visible DOM content on the page and all the required CSSOM information for the different nodes

With the render tree constructed, the next step is to perform the
layout. This involves determining the size and position of each
element in relation to the other elements on the page, taking into
account factors such as box model, margins, padding, and floats.

This layout step takes into consideration the content and style
received from the DOM and CSSOM and does all the necessary
layout computing.

A decent web application will definitely use some JavaScript. With

JavaScript we can modify the content and styling of a page using
JavaScript. JavaScript can alter both the DOM and CSSOM

After the layout is calculated, the browser generates a series of paint commands that instruct the graphics engine to paint the pixels on the screen.

This involves rendering the visual elements of the page, including text, images, and backgrounds, according to the layout and styles calculated in the

previous steps.

Finally, the browser composites the painted layers to create the final output on the screen. This involves combining the individual paint layers into a
single image, taking into account the z-index of each element, opacity, and other visual effects.

The rendering process in the DOM is a complex and iterative process that involves multiple stages of parsing, layout, painting, and compositing.
Modern web browsers optimize this process using various techniques, such as incremental rendering, caching, and hardware acceleration, to achieve
fast and smooth performance.
How Browsers Work?
The performance of DOM rendering can have a significant impact on the overall performance of a web page. Slow rendering can lead to a poor user experience, including slow page
load times, unresponsive user interfaces, and poor scrolling performance. Therefore, it's important to optimize the rendering process to improve the performance of the web page.

Here are some factors that can affect the performance of DOM rendering:

• Number of DOM nodes: The more DOM nodes a web page has, the longer it will take to render. This is because each node must be parsed, styled, laid out, and painted. To
improve performance, it's important to minimize the number of DOM nodes as much as possible, for example by using CSS grid or flexbox instead of nested tables.

• CSS complexity: The complexity of CSS styles can also affect rendering performance. Complex selectors or large numbers of styles can slow down rendering by requiring more
processing power to calculate the layout and paint the page. To improve performance, it's important to simplify CSS styles as much as possible and avoid using too many styles.

• JavaScript: JavaScript can also affect rendering performance, as it can manipulate the DOM and trigger reflows and repaints. Large or complex JavaScript code can slow down
rendering by delaying the initial page load or causing layout thrashing. To improve performance, it's important to optimize JavaScript code, for example by minimizing the use of
global variables, avoiding excessive DOM manipulation, and using debouncing or throttling to reduce the frequency of updates.

• Browser rendering engine: The performance of the browser rendering engine can also affect the rendering performance. Different
browsers may have different rendering engines with varying levels of performance. To improve performance, it's important to test web
pages on different browsers and optimize them for each one.

• Hardware acceleration: Finally, hardware acceleration can significantly improve rendering performance by offloading the rendering
tasks to the graphics card or other hardware components. To take advantage of hardware acceleration, it's important to use CSS styles
that are hardware-accelerated, such as transform and opacity, and avoid using styles that are not hardware-accelerated, such as box-
shadow and border-radius.

Overall, optimizing the performance of DOM rendering requires a combination of techniques, including optimizing the number of DOM
nodes, simplifying CSS styles, optimizing JavaScript code, testing on different browsers, and using hardware acceleration where possible.
DOM (Document Object Model) rendering is a critical part of web development that involves converting HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript code into a visual display that users can interact with. The process of DOM rendering involves several steps, including
parsing, layout, painting, and compositing, and can have a significant impact on the performance and user experience of a website.

To optimize DOM rendering, developers can follow best practices such as minimizing the use of complex CSS and JavaScript,
reducing the number of DOM nodes, using efficient selectors, and optimizing images and other media. Additionally, modern web
development frameworks and libraries, such as React and Vue.js, offer tools and techniques for optimizing DOM rendering and
improving website performance.

Overall, understanding the basics of DOM rendering and implementing best practices for optimization can help developers create
fast, responsive, and user-friendly web experiences.
Thank You!

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