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How to write an essay

Summary of the structure of an Essay

1. Title – it should convey some significant information about a specific topic

2. Introduction – this is a response to the topic and how you are going to present that response.
Remember to keep your introduction short to the point ending with a ‘feed’ into the opening
paragraph of the main body of your essay

3. Main body – Each paragraph should be based on a separate but related aspect of the main topic of the essay.
-You should support your statements with references
- there should be sequential writing, where one event follows naturally from
another in the form of paragraphs
- there should be elaborate writing, where you develop a point made
- there should be clear contrasting/comparing where an idea contradicts or
questions a point in a preceding paragraph
4. Conclusion – should be a summation of your argument…which is a more
generic context of your write up.

5. Citations – All material/information/ideas from other people should be

cited in the text

6. References – All sources cited in the text should be listed in the references
section in alphabetical order

Note that, subtitles are not allowed in essay writing

Refer to Pechenik (2016) pages: 66-76

Topic for essay writing:
Implications of extinction and the need to conserve animal diversity

• Questions for the essays will be based on the general topic given above.

• Each lab group will be given a different question.

• Essay writing will be during the week starting 6th March 2023

• The essay should be 1.5 to 2 pages.

• Lined paper will be provided.

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