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Language Paper 1

1hr 45 minutes 15 minutes reading and annotating text,

45 minutes answering reading
45 minutes answering writing

Section A- analysing fiction texts (reading) 40 Marks

Q1. 4 facts from the text

4 marks 4 minutes
Directly quote text-don’t explain
Be obvious

Q2. Writers use of language

8 marks, 8 minutes
Idea, quote, techniques and effect x3-4

Q3. Writing about structure (not language)

8 marks, 10 minutes
Start-viewpoint, focus, opinion of the narrator
Middle- character and setting development, view changes, repetitions, patterns and motifs
Ends- compare opening and closing lines, narratives chronological/not, flashbacks, memories and
effects of these
Use quotes and paragraphing/sentence length

Q4. Agree/disagree with the statement

20 marks, 20 minutes
Either wholly agree, partly agree or wholly disagree
Include backed personal opinions and writers intention for opinions
Include techniques with quotes
If possible, use context and background knowledge
Be critical, arguing pros and cons, but possibly siding more one way

Section B – creating a fiction text (writing) 40 Marks

Q5. Description of a picture or story inspired by a word

40 marks, 45 minutes
16 marks for accuracy and style, 24 for content and organisation

Sensory analysis (seen, heard, smelt, tasted and touched)
Don’t just list, be clever-whole picture then zoom in on a focus point

Introduction- don’t have to finish the story
Speech (new line, punctuation in speech marks, tone and speaker indicated
Vary ideas, punctuation, vocab, sentence structure and paragraphs
Marked on creation of setting, characters, action, speech and narrative technique
Choose narrative voice (person and tense), form, techniques and language carefully

EBI Work on paragraphing (new topic, time, character or setting, change it)

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