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Primer semestre 2023

¿Qué hace que un
texto sea un
Coherencia / Coherence
Cohesión / Cohesion
Intencionalidad / Intentionality
Aceptabilidad / Acceptability
Informatividad / Informativity
Situacionalidad / Situationality
(Intertextualidad / Intertextuality)
A text makes sense because there is a continuity
of senses among the knowledge activated by the
expressions of the text. A senseless or non-
sensical text is one on which text receivers can
discover no such continuity, usually because there
is a serious mismatch between the configuration
of concepts and relations expressed and the
COHERENCIA receivers’ prior knowledge of the world. (cited in
Beaugrande & Dressler 1992: 84)

“Coherence is not an information unit; it is the

connection of individual information elements to
create larger, more global structures of meaning.”
(Neubert & Shreve 1992: 93-96)
¿De qué hablan los siguientes textos?

A week has seven days. Every day I feed my cat. Cats

have four legs. My leg hurts. Hurts is a verb.

The hotel is famous. The hotel is one of the most well-

known hotels in the country. The latest international
dancing competition was held at the hotel.
La cohesión de un texto dependerá de la
distribución y el orden de los elementos que
componen una oración, estos pueden ser palabras
que funcionan como conectores o signos de

It has the function of attaching, syntactically and

COHESIÓN lexically, the text together in order to create textual
unity. (Beaugrande & Dressler 1992)

“A text is cohesive in the sense that the various

components of the surface text (the actual words we
see) are mutually connected within a sequence of
some kind. In terms of both lexis and grammar, that
is, the surface components depend upon each other
in establishing and maintaining text continuity.”
(Hatim & Mason, 1997: 15)
¿Recuerdan el hotel?

The hotel is famous. The hotel is one of the most well-

known hotels in the country. The latest international
dancing competition was held at the hotel.

The hotel is famous. It is one of the most well-known

hotels in the country. The latest international dancing
competition was held at this place.
¿Y qué pasa con estos textos?

Antonio y Ricardo fueron de compras. El primero quería

comprar una camisa y una correa, pero el almacén no tenía
del color buscado para la última, así que compró una café.

Un grupo de la facultad de estudiantes saldrá en el próximo

año hacia Madrid.
Hace referencia al objetivo propuesto por el emisor a
la hora de crear un texto.

A text must be intended to be a text and accepted as such

in order to be utilized in communicative interaction.
(Beaugrande & Dressler 1992)

INTENCIONALIDAD People can and do use texts which, for various motives,
do not seem fully cohesive and coherent. […] A language
configuration must be intended to be a text and accepted
as such in order to be utilized in communicative
interaction. […] The production and reception of texts
function as discourse actions relevant to some plan or

In the process of translation, the translator needs to

extract the intentionality of the source text; therefore, he
or she might obtain the intent of the author. But as
Neubert and Shreve [(1992)] believe, intentionality is not
really about an author’s intent, because sometimes the
text does not accomplish what the author intends.
¡Qué linda tu pieza!
Apunta al receptor. Es la aceptación del texto producido por
parte del destinatario, quien lo percibe claro, coherente. Se
refiere a los factores que hacen que un texto sea relevante con
respecto a la situación comunicativa en que aparece.

“In the most immediate sense of the term, text receivers must
accept a language configuration as a cohesive and coherent text
capable of utilization.” (Beaugrande & Dressler 1992: 129)

“Acceptability does not necessarily imply that the receiver

believe the specific contents of the text. It does require that the
addressee be able to identify and extract those contents (what
the text is supposed to do). … The receiver must be able to
determine what kind of text the sender intended to send, and
what was to be achieved by sending it.” (Neubert & Shreve
1992: 73)
Vinculada a la atención: los textos con
mayor carga informativa requieren una
atención mayor que los textos fácilmente
[It is] the extent to which a presentation is new
or unexpected for the receivers. Usually the
notion is applied to content; but occurrences in
any language system might be informative
(Beaugrande & Dressler 1992 : 39)

[…] informativity is a function of what is

delivered by the text; it is a function of its
substantive knowledge content. The
translator´s commission is to create a
linguistic surface that will allow the L2 user
to retrieve from the text the same knowledge
content that was in the L1 original (Neubert
& Shreve 1992 : 90)
Atentos a la moneda. ¿Es la

Nos vemos en La
Se me cayó la moneda.

I dropped the coin. See you at The Coin.

Tiene en cuenta los factores tanto espaciales como
temporales que hace que un texto sea relevante en cuanto a
la situación comunicativa en la que aparece, ya que todo
texto se enmarca en las coordenadas, espacio, tiempo.
“a general designation for the factors which render a text
relevant to a current or recoverable situation of occurrence […]
SITUACIONALIDAD the accessible evidence in the situation is fed into the model
along with our prior knowledge and expectations about how the
‘real world’ is organized” (Beaugrande & Dressler 1992: 163).

“Situationality is the location of a text in a discrete sociocultural

context in a real time and place[…] Situationality is the central
issue in translability. If a translation is to succeed, there must be a
situation which requires it. There must be a translation need. The
situationality of the translation is never the same as the
situationality of the source text.” (Neubert & Shreve 1992: 85)
Let them eat cake
Cabros, esto no prendió.
En la intertextualidad se evidencian las
relaciones de un texto con textos,
cualquiera que sea esa relación. Hace
referencia a factores que limitan la
comprensión adecuada de un texto y el
conocimiento que se tenga de textos
“Intertextuality subsumes the ways in which
the production and reception of a given text
INTERTEXTUALIDAD depends upon the participants’ knowledge of
other texts.” (Beaugrande & Dressler 1992:
“The source text has intertextual relationships
with other source-language texts. The
translation will establish new relationships
between target text and original text.
Confronted with this double intertextuality,
the translator must act in favor of the target
language text world” (Neubert & Shreve
1992: 118 - 121)

• Beaugrande, R. de. & W. U. Dressler. (1992). Introduction to Text Linguistics.

London, New York: Longman.
• Hatim, B. & I. Mason. 1997. The Translator as Communicator. New York &
London: Routledge.
• Neubert, A. & G. M. Shreve. 1992. Translation as Text. Akron: Kent State
University Press.

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