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It is an objective or an output that we have to achieve

through a sequence of steps and activities and specific
Cup of tea = Tea + Water + Sugar + glass+…
Going to school = transport + money + …. .
Building = Sand + cement + iron +……. .
Problem Solving :-
It is the sequence of steps, activities and operations that we
have to perform to attain an objective or an output..

(Tea + Water )  Boiling +sugar = Cup of tea
Take a bus pay money  Bus running = Arrive school.
Digging (cement + sand ) + iron  Workers = Building
oblem solving steps :-
1. Problem definition . Output 7
‫تحديد المشكلة‬ Input 3,4
Solution 7 = 4+3
2. Step-by-step instructions . Algorithm
3. Program design .
4. Program Testing .
5. Program Documentation .
First: Problem Definition:

Problem definition implies the identification of required

outputs, available inputs and, arithmetic and logical
operations to be executed.

8 4,2 8=4*2
Second: Performing step-by-step instructi ons
(Algorithm) to solve a Problem

Algorithm :- a group of logically arranged procedures to be

executed to attain a goal or precise output, out of specific inputs.


Flow chart
Third: Program design
We have to translate this flowchart into one of the
programming languages to create a program.

Fourth: Program Testing
During writing a program we make some mistakes
Area of circle = 3.14 + R^2
We can’t detect errors unless we begin entering data to the program with previously
known results; to compare the results of the current program to those of the well-
known results.
Predefined result  3.14*5^2 = 78.5

If (R=5 cm)

Program result  3.14 + 5 ^2= 28.14

Fifth: Program Documentation
All steps taken for solving the problem that include:
1.Given Input, output, plan for solving the problem.

The documentation is beneficial when more than one

person participate in writing or modifying the program.
It is a diagram that uses standard graphical symbols , to illustrate
the sequence of steps required for solving a problem or specific
question .
The most commonly used symbols are as follows:

Significance Symbol
Terminal ( Start , End )

Input (Read , Input , Enter)

Output (Print , Output )

) = ( Process
Calculate , Compute

) ? ( Question – Comparison - Decision

Flow lines
- Simple
Types of flowchart - Branching
- Looping

1- Simple flow chart:-

Ex 1:-
Draw a flowchart for a program that calculates the sum of
two numbers entered by the user and display the result .
First: Define the problem
Output: The sum of two numbers
Input: The first number is “A “and the second number is “B”
Solution: Sum=A+B
Third :- Flowchart Second :- Algorithm

1- Start Start

2 -Enter number A , number B Enter A ,B

3 – Sum = A + B Sum= A+ B

4– Print Sum Print Sum

5 - End
Ex 2:-
Draw a flowchart for a program that calculates the average and product of
three numbers
First: - Define the problem:-
.Output: - The average, product of three numbers
Input:-The numbers are X , Y , Z.
Solution: - Average = (X + Y + Z) / 3 , Product = X * Y* Z
Third :- Flowchart Second :- Algorithm
1- Start

2 -EnterEnter
x,y,z x,y,z

3- avg=(x+y+z)/3
pro=x *y*z
4- Print avg , pro
Print avg,pro
Exercise 1:-
Calculate the area of circle Area = 3.14 * R ^2
First: - Define the problem:-
Output: - Area of circle input
Input:- Radius (R)
Solution: - Area = 3.14 * R ^2
Third :- Flowchart Second :- Algorithm

1- Start
Enter R
2 -Enter R

3- Area = 3.14 * R^2 Area = 3.14 * R^2

4- Print Area
Print Area
Exercise 2:-
Calculate the number of years using a known number of months
First: - Define the problem:-
Output: - Years (y) Y = m / 12
Input:- Months (m) input
Solution: - Y = m / 12 output

Third :- Flowchart Second :- Algorithm

1- Start
Enter m
2 -Enter m

3- y = m / 12 Y = m / 12

4- Print y
Print y
2- Branching flow chart:- ?
Ex 1:-
Draw a flowchart for a program that obtains exam scores from the user
and determines whether the score is greater than or equal 50 and
display the message "Successful".

First: - Define the problem:-

Output: - Message “Successful”

Input:- Student degree (d)

Solution: - If d> = 50 , then print “Successful”

Else  end the program
Third :- Flowchart Second :- Algorithm

1- Start
Enter d
2- Enter ( d )
Yes Print
3- If d>=50 , then If d>=50
3.1- Print “Successful”
4- End
Ex 2:-
Draw a flowchart for a program that compares between two number
and to know which of them is greater than the other showing a
message “The largest number is…..”.

First: - Define the problem:-

Output: - Message “the largest number is ……….”

Input:- Two numbers ( x , y )

Solution: - If x>y , then print “the largest number is x”

Else  print “the largest number is y”,
Third :- Flowchart Second :- Algorithm

1- Start
Enter x , y
2- Enter x , y
Print “the
Yes largest
3- If x>y , then If x > y
number is x
3.1- Print “the largest number is “
x” No

4- Else Print “the

4.1- Print “the largest number is largest
y” number is y

Example 3:-

Draw a flow chart for a program that calculates the division of two
numbers .Determine whether the divisor equal “ Zero“ and display the
message “ Unknown “.

First: Define the problem

Output : Division of two numbers “div” or print the word ” unknown”

Input: The dividend is “x”, and the divisor is “y”.

Solution: If y=0 then print “unknown”

elsediv=x/y ,then print div.
Third :- Flowchart Second :- Algorithm

1- Start
2- Enter x , y
3- If y =0 then, Enter x , y

3.1- Print ”unknown” Print

3.2 -Go to step 5 y=0 “unknown

4-Else No
div= x/y
4.1- div=x/y
4.2- Print div
Print div
5- End
3- Looping flow chart:-
Ex 1:-
Print out the integer numbers from 1 to 3 1 2 3
1 2 3 Start

1- 1 ‫ا لبداية ؟‬ No Yes
N <=3
2- 3 ‫ا لنهاية ؟‬
3-1 ‫مع دلا لزيادة ؟‬ Print N

N= N +1
Flowchart Algorithm

1- Start
2- N=1
3- If N<=3 then,
3.1- Print N
3.2 – N= N + 1

3.3 – Go to step 3

How many times was the content of the loop executed? 3 times
What will be the value of M at the end of the loop? 4
Ex 2:-
Draw a flow chart to print the multiplication table of number 3 .

N N*3

1* 3 = 3
2* 3 = 6
3* 3 = 9
4* 3 = 12
12* 3 = 36
Flowchart Algorithm

1- Start Start
2- N=1
N= 1
3- If N<=12 then,

3.1- Print N * 3 No
N <=12 N= N +1
3.2 – N= N + 1

3.3 – Go to step 3 Yes

Print N *3


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