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Exploiting Workers

Fariha Tabassum Sultan Maliyat

Exploitation of workers
● Exploiting someone is taking undue advantage of them. It is to take advantage of another
person's vulnerability for one's own gain.

● Employment exploitation or labor exploitation refers to situations in which an employee,

either voluntarily or by compulsion, works in substandard conditions or has their earnings
withheld for finished work. In more extreme scenarios, exploitation will also include
instances of employers using fraud, coercion, or extortion on a regular basis. Forced
labour takes many forms, including debt bondage, trafficking, and other types of modern

● Exploiting workers is transactional, structural and harmful.

Indicators of exploitation of workers

Profitability Deception

Case Study
● Workers at Malaysian McDonald's outlets claim they were paid as little as 5 Ringgit Malaysia
per hour and were scammed out of months of pay.
● They claim they were misled about their compensation and were charged additional fees

upon arrival in Malaysia, resulting in a 25% decrease from their basic monthly salary. This
amounted to a loss of several months' salary while working at McDonald’s.
● The migrants also claim that their wages were not received on schedule, preventing them
from purchasing food or sending money home to their families. More than half stated they
had been forced to flee their employment without their passports or back pay, entering the
illicit labor market to make ends meet.
Case Study
Rana Plaza Incident
Utilitarianism is a moral theory that argues for activities that promote pleasure or
happiness while opposing activities that cause misery or damage.

Kantian ethics are universal moral principles that apply to all humans irrespective of

Rights Theory
In general, rights are defined as legitimate demands for the preservation of general
interests. Human beings have been defined as possessing rights to property, "life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" in this sense.
● Educate, Educate and Educate

● Moral hiring to avoid worker


● Aid non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) that are
taking action to end slavery and
exploitation at the source.
● 4 Ways You Can Help Combat Slavery & Exploitation Through Your Shopping. (2022).
Retrieved 7 June 2022, from
● Employment Exploitation Explained by Experts. (2022). Retrieved 7 June 2022, from
● Exploitation (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). (2022). Retrieved 7 June 2022, from
● How profitable is the exploitation of people? Sadly, extraordinarily so. (2022).
Retrieved 7 June 2022, from
● Workers for McDonald's in Malaysia say they were victims of labour exploitation.
(2022). Retrieved 7 June 2022, from
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