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Character Building Kewarganegaraan

Session 4
The Rights and Obligations of the State and Its

LO2: to apply the rights and

obligations of citizens
What are Rights, Duties, and Citizenship?

The term citizen contains 2 conceptual components, including:

• First, citizens are part of the membership of a country (city-

State). This refers to the term city-State which existed in Ancient

Greece (Athens City) was used to be called a polis State and

then in modern times it was transformed from a democratic-

revolutionary manner into a nation-State.
What are Rights, Duties, and Citizenship?

• Second, the membership of the State carries a reciprocity of

obligations and rights depending on the place and time and
some rights are universal. Prior to the amendment (amendment)
of the 1945 Constitution, the nature of citizens and residents of
Indonesia was also regulated by the UUD 1945.
What are the rights of Indonesian citizens?

Every Indonesian citizen has certain rights which are regulated

and determined in the 1945 Constitution. More precisely, these

rights are regulated in detail in the articles of the UUD 1945.

(See UUD 1945 Chapter 27-31)
What are the obligations of Indonesian citizens?
The obligation here is a mandate, a mandate that must be
carried out. So here the obligation does not contain any
prerequisites, under any circumstances it must be done, like it

or not, it must be carried out. All citizens oblige themselves to

take certain actions against the Indonesian State.

S "Taxes are mandatory contributions to
the State owed by individuals or entities
that are coercive under the law, without
receiving direct compensation and are
used for the purposes of the State for the
greatest prosperity of the people"

UU No 16 Year 2009
What is Tax?

From this definition, taxes have the following elements;

• Mandatory contributions to the country
• Is a personal or corporate debt
• Forced payments
• The coercive nature is based on the law
• Not accompanied by direct rewards
• Used for the needs of the State for the greatest prosperity of the
Taxes paid by someone in this case can
be used to help other people who are in
need, either in education, health or in
various other fields. Because taxes are
used to support national development, by
paying taxes, every citizen is practicing
the principles of Indonesian Unity.

"Don't ask what the country has given you,

but ask what you have given your country".
As an encouragement, we
need to understand the
Statement (and former
President) of American
President John F. Kennedy.

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