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An 8-year-old boy (8 

years and 10 months) presented at

orthodontic clinic, mainly complaining of “space and tipping front
teeth.” He was in good general health, and his medical and dental
histories indicated no contraindications to dental treatment.
According to his parents, he had no childhood trauma or other
reasons for the delayed eruption.
A) Diagnose this condition
B) Make problem list of this case
C) Give classification of this type of condition and its incidence
D) What will be the possible treatment option available for this patient
Parameter Value
1 SNA 80°
2 SNB 77°
3 ANB +3°
4 SN-GoGn 38°
5 FMA 27°
6 UI/SN 106°
7 IMPA 89°
8 Nasolabial Angle 105°
9 E-line +1 mm
+ 2 mm

10 Overjet +2 mm
11 Overbite +2 mm

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