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L’Institut Africain de Management Ouagadougou

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

A self-introduction explains who you are, what you do and what
others need to know about you. It should include your name and
occupation (or desired occupation) and key facts that will help you
make an impression on the person you’re speaking to. In few
sentences, cover the most important things that others need to
know about you.
You should provide a self-introduction any time you meet
someone new and don’t have a third party to introduce you. Offer
a self-introduction when you are:
Beginning an interview
Attending a hiring event
Networking with new connections
Giving a presentation
Meeting people at a trade show

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

Whether you plan to deliver your self-introduction verbally
or in writing, it’s helpful to draft a sample of what you want
to say in advance. Preparing and practicing a verbal
introduction will solidify the key points in your mind so you
don’t forget any important details. Crafting a written self-
introduction will give you a template that you can turn to
quickly when you need to send an email regarding a job
posting or sales opportunity that you’ve found.
These steps will help you write an effective self-
Summarize your professional standing
Elaborate on your experiences and achievements
Conclude with a lead-in to the next part of the

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

 Summarize your professional standing
5 The first sentence of your self-introduction should include
your name and job title or experience. If you’re
unemployed and seeking a job, you might mention your
educational degree, certification level or current place in
your job search. Eg :
 Elaborate on your experiences and achievements

Customize this part of the introduction to highlight the

details most relevant to the person you’re speaking to.
If you’re in a job interview, discuss your professional skills
and accomplishments.
If you’re giving a presentation, offer information that
supports your authority in the area you’re speaking on.
When you’re introducing yourself to a potential client,
mention your products and services.

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

 Conclude with a lead-in to the next part of the
6 Keep your introduction short and conclude it by leading into
what you’d like to happen next. For a presentation, you
would summarize what you plan to discuss. In an
interview, mention why you’re the best person for the job.
A self-introduction to a new client or colleague should
end with a call to action. This could be a meeting, sale or
further correspondence.

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)


Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

◦ Be original
It doesn’t mean that if you’re a writer you need to prepare a self-intro
8 essay. Just take an extra step and say something more about the nature
of your job. The way you deliver your professional introduction
matters. A friendly smile works like magic.

◦ Prepare 
No ideas on how to make a great introduction? Take a step back and
ask yourself what you want to be known for.
◦ Mind the cultural context 
If you’re introducing yourself to an international audience, make sure
not to offend anybody.
◦ Be careful when coming up with funny ways to
introduce yourself 
Humor is great, but avoid cracking jokes for the sake of cracking
jokes. What you consider funny may not resonate with your speaker.

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

 Mind the context
It’s a bit of a no-brainer. The context is your job
interview, and introducing yourself means giving
the best answer to “tell me about yourself” question.
 Do your research

To introduce yourself in the best possible way, find

out as much as you can about the company you’re
applying to. Make sure you’re a cultural fit. And
learn how to answer them “ what are you passionate
about ” question.

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

 Control your body language
Body language communicates much more than you think.
10 When you introduce yourself to the recruiter:
◦ Look them in the eye.
◦ Make sure your handshake is firm but natural to
signal trust.
◦ Speak with confidence.
◦ Do not fidget, roll up your eyes, or cross your arms.

 Prepare your answer 

Come in prepared to deliver the best interview
introduction. That’s it. Rehearse what you want to say
to minimize the chances of being taken by surprise.
And remember: It’s not how you start. It’s how you finish.

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

 Include all email elements 
This may seem obvious, but double-check if your message
starts with a subject line and ends with your name. Your
“introduce yourself” email cannot be incomplete.

 Write a great subject line 

When you introduce yourself via email the last thing you
want is to land in a spam folder. Come up with a strong
subject line. Stay within the suggested character limit.
Avoid spam trigger words. If you’re replying to a job
offer, make sure you use the right subject format.

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

12  Choose an appropriate greeting. 
In an email to introduce yourself, “dear Sir or
Madam” looks lazy. It shows you don’t know
who you’re writing to. Make an effort to identify
your Dear Sir or Madam by name.

 Craft a great opening sentence

It sets the tone for everything you want to include
in your self-introductory email.

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

13  Offer the context. Say why you’re writing 
Relevance is key. A message that doesn’t resonate with
the recipient will go straight to the trash folder. You
don’t want your introduction email to a recruiter to go
 Make your offer. Ask for something

Show the hiring manager how they will benefit from

hiring you, and ask for an interview. This is the most
important part of your entire professional introduction.
 Say thank you 

Ending your self-introductory email with gratitude can

boost your chances of getting a reply..

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

 Self-introduction sample for a job interview
“My name is Riley See. I’m a recent elementary
education graduate from the African Unity
University. I’ve been working at a camp for
elementary children this summer, and I’m excited to
find my first a teaching position for the coming
school year. I have several original lesson plans I
created during my teaching internship that I look
forward to implementing in my own classroom. I
attended African Unity University (those days
African Institute of Management) myself and believe
I would be a great fit for your second grade
opening. It would be a joy for me to teach students
in the same place that sparked my love of learning.”

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

15  Self-introduction sample for networking
“My name is Sheree Townsend, and I’m the
marketing director at Wise Technology.
We’re developing some innovative marketing
campaigns designed to engage new
customers right in the streets of
Bloomington. I’ve been recruiting local
businesses that want to get involved in these
activities. I love chatting with residents
around the area and learning more about
what they’re looking for from their smart

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

 Self-introduction write-up sample
16 Hi Elise,
My name is Kareem Ali. I’m the product development
manager at Smart Solutions. I’ve created over a
dozen apps designed to streamline sales and
marketing activities for busy professionals. I see
myself as a relentless problem-solver, and I’m
always looking for a new challenge. I’ve recently
gotten interested in recreational boating and noticed
that the sales professionals at Dockside Boats don’t
seem to have a streamlined system for tracking their
sales. I’d love to discuss your needs in this area and
find out if you’re interested in participating in beta
testing for a new sales app I’m developing.

Institut Africain de Management (IAM Ouaga)

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