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Python List

Python Collections 
There are four collection data types in the Python programming language:
• List:
is a collection which is ordered and changeable. Allows duplicate members.
• Tuple: 
is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable. Allows duplicate members.
• Set: 
is a collection which is unordered and unindexed. No duplicate members
• Dictionary :
is a collection which is unordered, changeable and indexed. No duplicate
Python List
• Lists are just like the arrays, declared in other languages.
• Lists need not be homogeneous always which makes it a most powerful tool
in Python.
• A single list may contain DataTypes like Integers, Strings, as well as Objects.
• Lists are mutable, and hence, they can be altered even after their creation.
• List in Python are ordered and have a definite count.
• The elements in a list are indexed according to a definite sequence and the
indexing starts from “0”.
• Lists are a useful tool for preserving a sequence of data and further iterating
over it
Creating a List
• A list can be defined as a collection of values or items of different types.
The items in the list are separated with the comma (,) and enclosed with
the square brackets [].
• Lists in Python can be created by just placing the sequence inside the
square brackets[].
Syntax : list_name = [list_element1, list_element2, list_element3,……]
Creating a List
Python list() Function
BY using list() function we can create lists in python.
Syntax: list(iterable)  

iterable (optional) - An object that can be a sequence( string, tuple etc.) or

collection( set, dictionary etc.) or iterator object.
Accessing elements of a list
• We can access the list elements in the same way as it happens with the
• The elements of the list can be accessed by using the index operator [].
Syntax : Name_of_variable [Index value]
The first element of the list is stored at the 0th index, the second element
of the list is stored at the 1st index, and so on.
negative indexing
• Python provides us the flexibility to use the negative indexing also.
• The negative indices are counted from the right. 
• The last element (right most) of the list has the index -1, its adjacent
left element is present at the index -2 and so on until the left most
element is encountered.
• The slicing operator returns a subset of a list , called slice by
specifying two indices , i.e. start and end.
Syntax: name_of_the_variable[start index : end index]
• Python provides various built-in functions which can be used with the
1. len()
The len() function returns the number of items (length) in a list
max() function
Calculates maximum of all the elements of List
Syntax: max(List)
• min() function
Calculates minimum of all the elements of List.
Syntax: min(List)
sum() function
Calculates sum of all the elements of List.
Syntax: sum(List)
Note: Sum is calculated only for Numeric values, elsewise throws TypeError.

random.shuffle() function
Shuffle a list (reorganize the order of the list items) items.
The shuffle() method takes a sequence (list, string, or tuple) and
reorganize the order of the items.
The List operators
“+” Operator
The concatenation operator + is used to join the list elements.
The List operators
“*” Operator
The multiplication operator + is used to replicate the elements in the
The List operators
in operator
• The ‘in’ operator is used to check if a value exists in the list or not.
• Evaluates to true if the element present in the list and false otherwise.
The List operators
• “is” Operator
Let us execute the following two statements:
We know that both A and B refer to a string but we don't know whether
they refer to the same string or else.
There are two possible situations as follows.
A → 'Python’ A ‘Python’
B → 'Python’ Or B

In the first case, A and B refer to two different objects that have same
values. In second case, they refer to the same object.
• To understand whether two variables refer to the same object, we use the 'is'

• In case of string , if both the variables contain the same values , then both of then
refer to the same object.
• In case of lists , if both the variables contain the same values , then both of then
refer to different object.
The List operators

• The del Operator

del list_name[a : b] :- This method deletes all the elements in
range starting from index ‘a’ till ‘b’ mentioned in
Mutability – List aliasing and list cloning
• The list are mutable but strings are not mutable.
• mutable means that where we can change the content of the list by
accessing directly.
List Aliasing
• We know that the variables refer to objects, if we assign one variable
to another, both variables refer to the same object

• In the above the same list has two different names, a and b, we say that
it is aliased. Changes made with one alias affect the other.
Cloning list
• If we wants to modify existing list and also wants to keep the original
one, the we make a copy of the list, The process of copying list called
• The slice(:) operator is used to clone the list.
• If cloning has been done , the changes made in one list will not effect
to the original existing list
List Comprehensions
• The list comprehension is used to create a new list from existing
• It is a tool for transforming a given list into another list.
• List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists.
• List Comprehension is defined as an elegant way to define, create a
list in Python and consists of brackets that contains an expression
followed by for clause.
Syntax : [ expression for item in list if conditional ]
• It is efficient in both computationally and in terms of coding space
and time.
Implement the following mathematical
expressions using list comprehensions
A = {X2: x in {O.........9}}
B = {X3: x in {O......9}}
C = {X : x in A and even}
Write a program to create a list 'A' to generate squares of a number
(from 1 to 10), list 'B' to generate cubes of a number (from 1 to 10) and
list 'C' with those element that are even and present in list ‘A’.
Consider the list with five different Celsius values. Convert all the Celsius values into Fahrenheit
( Formulae to convert Celsius Values to Fahrenheit.
Fahrenheit = (9/5) * Celsius + 32)
Consider the list with mixed type of elements, such as L1 = [1, 'X', 4,5.6, ‘z', 9, 'a', 0, 41] . Create another
list using list comprehension which consists of only the integer's present in LI.
List methods
• Once a list is created, we can use the methods of list class to
manipulate the list.
append(x) : Adds an element x to the end of the list.
List methods

clear() : Removes all elements in the list.

List methods

• count (X) : Returns the number of times element x appears in

the list.
List methods
• Copy () : returns a copy of the list
List methods

• extend() : Append all the elements of one list into another

List methods
• index(x) : Return the index of first occurrence of element x from the
List methods
• insert(int index, object x ) : Insert the element at given index
List methods
• pop(i) : Removes the element from the given position
List methods
• remove(object x) : Removes the first occurrence of element x
List methods
• reverse() : Reverse the elements of the list
List methods
• sort() : sort the elements of the list
Conversion of string to list
• A string is a sequence of characters and list is a sequence of values.
• But a list of characters is not the same as string.
• List() function is used to convert string into list values
Splitting a string into list values
• By using split() method we can split the string into words
Passing list to a function
• We can pass a list to a function and perform various operations on the
list, even we may change the content of the list after passing a list to
the function.
Returning list from a function
• A function can return a list.

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