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TOPIC 33.2
The Social Doctrine of the Church

References: Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 2419-2449;

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, qq. 509-520

Supplementary reading: opic-33-the-seventh-and-eighth-commandments/


You shall not steal

What is the content How should social What would be opposed

of the “Social Doctrine” of the Church? and economic life be pursued? to the Social Doctrine of the Church?

What is the meaning To what type of work What is the task What are the duties
of Work? does every person have a right? of Business Management? of Workers?
What is the content
of the “Social Doctrine” of
the Church?
◦ it refers to the set of teachings of the Church
on the principles that should regulate social life,
based on the truth of the Gospel
about the dignity of the human person
and his social dimension 
◦ the Church offers only principles for reflection,
moral criteria for judgment,
and moral norms and guidelines for action
What is the content
of the “Social Doctrine”
of the Church?
Role of the Pastors of the Church
with regard to Church’s social doctrine

◦ “it is not the role of the Pastors of the Church to intervene directly
in the political structuring and organization of social life. This task is part of the vocation
of the lay faithful, acting on their own free initiative and with personal responsibility, along with their fellow
CCC 2442
◦ need to respect the freedom of others in all matters that the Church leaves
to the free discussion of men
◦ For example, there is no officially “Catholic” position on the appropriate percentage
of the just tax, or on the best rate of economic growth to aim at

◦ The purpose and mission of the Church

is supernatural: to lead men and women to salvation.
◦ Role of the State: promote the “temporal common good of society”
– the ensemble of social, economic, political, cultural and moral conditions
that facilitate that each and every member of a society live a dignified life on earth.

◦ Role of the Church: promote the “supernatural common good”

--making all the visible means of salvation Christ endowed the Church with, to make available to all men to go
to heaven (cf. Mt 28::18-20), viz., the correct and complete profession of faith; the seven sacraments; the
teaching and guidance of the Church hierarchy with the Roman Pontiff as head, to build fraternal communion
What is the content
of the “Social Doctrine” of
the Church?
The Church intervenes and expresses a moral judgement in economic
and social matters
only when the fundamental rights of the person
or the salvation of souls require it.

Some fundamental teachings of the Church’s Social Doctrine:

the transcendent dignity of the human person

(i.e., each person is valuable for his/her own sake,
and not simply for his/her utility);

the inviolability of his or her rights

(e.g., right to life from the first moment of conception
until natural death);

the recognition of the family as the basic cell of society

founded on true and indissoluble marriage
(need to protect and foster it through laws on marriage,
education, and public morals);

teachings on the common good

and the role of the State in promoting it.
How should
social & economic life be
“It should be pursued using its own proper methods
within the sphere of the moral order, at the service
of the integral good of the human person
and of the entire human community
in keeping with social justice.
Social and economic life should have the human person
as its author, center, and goal.”

◦ there is a legitimate autonomy between the spiritual

and temporal orders, avoiding the two extremes of clericalism
and undue interference of the State in ecclesiastical matters

◦ integral good of the human person: physical, psychological, cultural, moral, and spiritual

◦ the primordial value of labor stems from man himself,

its author and its beneficiary

“Work is for Man

and not Man for work”
John Paul II
What would be opposed
to the Social Doctrine
of the Church?
Opposed to the social doctrine of the Church
are economic and social systems that sacrifice
the basic rights of persons
or that make profit their exclusive norm or ultimate end.

◦ For this reason, the Church rejects the ideologies

associated in modern times with Communism
or with atheistic and totalitarian forms of Socialism.

◦ But in the practice of capitalism,

the Church also rejects self-centered individualism
and an absolute primacy of the laws of the marketplace
over human labor.”

There is a need to respect both

◦ the principle of subsidiarity
(vs. atheistic and totalitarian forms of socialism)
◦ and the principle of solidarity
(vs. self-centered individualism and “laissez faire” economic policies).
What is the meaning
of Work?
Work is both a duty and a right
through which human beings collaborate with God our Creator.
By working with commitment and competence, we fulfill the potential in our nature,
honor the Creator’s gifts and talents received from Him, provide for ourselves
and our families, and serve the human community.

Furthermore, by God’s grace, we turn work into a means of sanctification

and collaboration with Christ for the sanctification of others.

◦ Work is a Duty
“If anyone is unwilling to work, he shall not eat…” ( 2 Thess 3:10)

◦ Work is a Right
it is an integral part of the divine call to man whom God made unto His image:
cf Gen 1: 27; 2:15: “God took the man and put him in the garden ut operaretur”
--so that he could make of the world and of himself a gift to God and to neighbor

◦ Work is a means to collaborate with Christ in the work of redemption:

Jesus is called “the carpenter’s son” ( Mt 13:55) and “the carpenter” (Mk 6:3)

the divine call for those who want to serve Him in the middle of the world
“to sanctify work, sanctify ourselves through our work,
sanctify others through our work”
life-long teaching of St. Josemaria
To what type of work
does every person have a
“Access to secure and honest employment must be
open to all
without unjust discrimination
and with respect for free economic initiative and fair

◦ Need to also provide means

so that even the elderly and disabled
may work according to their capacity

◦ Everyone should make legitimate use

of his talents to contribute to the abundance that will
benefit all, and to harvest the just fruits of his labor
is the task
of Business
Business managers
are responsible
for the economic
and ecological effects
of their operations.

◦ They must consider

the good of persons
and not only the increase
of profits, even though profits are
to assure investments,
the future of the business,
employment, and the good
progress of economic life.

◦ need to consider
the common good
of each and every member of
are the duties
of Workers?

They must carry out

their work in a conscientious way
with competence
and dedication, seeking
to resolve any controversies with

◦ Recourse to a nonviolent strike is

morally legitimate when it
appears to be
the necessary way to obtain
a proportionate benefit
and it takes into account
the common good.”

◦ Similar moral principles govern

both the duties
of business managers
and workers
TOPIC 33.2
The Social Doctrine of the Church

References: Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 2419-2449;

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, qq. 509-520

Supplementary reading: opic-33-the-seventh-and-eighth-commandments/

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