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C h a p t e r 5

As t r a n g e r
of f e r s h e l p
The M a y o r o f
C a s t e r b r i d g e
C ha r a c t e r s
• ំM r. H e n c h ar d
• Donald Farfrae
• Susan
• E l iz a be th -J a ne
• Waiter
• Manager
Most of the guests had drunk large amounts of wine, and they all got so
drunk. Some guests don’t remember how they came here, and some don’t
know how to travel back home. Others were telling each other funny stories
and laughing so loudly. Henchard was there, and he looked around for the
waiter who had brought him a note. Waiter says, "He’s gone now, sir, but I
happen to know that he’s staying at the Three Mariners." Then Henchard
went there.
Susan and Elizabeth-Jane were in the Three Mariners, and they’re worried about the
payment. Susan has an idea, so she goes downstairs and finds the manager, tells him
the truth that she has a little money, and asks the manager to give her a job to pay the
bill. The manager offers her to start helping with the guests suppers near her room. It
was for the young man she had seen outside the King’s Arms. The man did not notice
that Elizabeth-Jane had prepared supper for him. A little while later, the manager told
Elizabeth-Jane to take her own and her mother's suppers into their room. When she
came to her room, Elizabeth-Jane saw her mother standing up with her ear beside the
wall. She put her finger across her lips, meaning that her daughter should be quiet.
"It’s him," Susan whispers. Who?" asked Elizabeth-Jane.
"The mayor." Reply by her mother. "He’s in the next room with somebody. Come and
listen." Mother and daughter were interested in the conversation for different reasons.
"...pleased to meet you, Mr. Henchard. I am Donald Farfrae." "And I’m very fortunate
to meet you. You see, Mr. Farfrae, if this treatment you mention in your note works, it
is just what I’m looking for. In fact, if it really does change bad wheat into good, I’ll
pay you well for it." Said Henchard. Mr. Farfrae doesn’t want any payment for that.
He showed Mr. Henchard for free. It works, and it’s much better than before. Mr.
Henchard asked him to work with him, but sadly, Farfrae planned to go to America the
next day.
Th a nk
Table of contents
01 Introduction
04 The museum

02 The team
05 Timeline

03 Art Gallery
06 Art History
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veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
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commodo consequat. Duis aute irure
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esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
The team

Karina Villanueva Brigitte Schwartz Howard Ong

Project manager Project manager Project manager

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