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Bucket List
1. To graduate
When I graduate,
I will find a good job.
2. A car
To travel anytime
3. To own a house
For my family
4. To travel Disneyland in

Make myself happy

and also my family
6. i phone
This is my dream
7. Sea camping
To experience the
this activity with
my family.
8. Jungle tour with friends
I want to
experience this activity
with my friends.
9. Playing Badminton
Its a pleasure to
play with.
10. Go to gym
My father is my idol.
I want to go with him
11. Having a beautiful bed
Sleep well
12. Michael jordan shoes
I want to buy this shoes
not for me, but
for my papa
13.Surprise my mother
I want to make her
14. Bank account
For my future need
15. A Grocery business
I want to have my
own business
to earn money
for my family
16. Go to Church
I want to serve
Our almigthy
17. Married to my love
For having a
Family with my
beautiful wife

Rayven Dave B Arandilla

Franz Nergua

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