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Basic Personal Protective

Health & Safety Standard – 0801 Equipment

TSIMinimum Requirements for Construction Sites
Safety Helmet with 4 point chin-strap worn and secured at all times. Helm
dengan chin strap, dipakai dan dipasang setiap bekerja
Safety Spectacles worn at all times. Kacamata safety, dipakai setiap bekerja
Hearing Protection used at all times. Pelindung telinga, dipakai setiap bekerja

High Visibility Vest, Jacket or Shirt worn at all times (can be incorporated in
to uniform). Rompi/Jaket Reflektif, dipakai setiap bekerja

General Protective Gloves worn at all times. Pelindung/Sarung Tangan,

dipakai setiap bekerja
Workwear must include long sleeves and long trousers.
Pakaian saat bekerja: baju lengan panjang dan celana panjang
If provided the company uniform must be worn.
Bila tersedia seragam perusahaan wajib dipakai .
Safety boots with toe and midsole protection, and ankle protection worn
at all times. Sepatu safety dengan proteksi pada midsole, jemari hingga mata
kaki, dipakai setiap bekerja
For further details refer to Management Instruction: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Standards & Requirements
Page 1 of 1 Ref.: VSL-GR-07-03-STA-0801 Rev.B (26 July 2019) Approved by: Group Manager – H&S

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