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Writing/Composing an Article
based on the Given Facts
Learning Objectives:
1.Write/compose articles using the
given facts
2. Identify the types of articles based
on the given facts
3.Define an article
An article is a written work
published in a print or electronic
medium. It may be for the purpose of
propagating news, research result,
academic results, academic analysis or
4.Types of Articles
1. News article – this type of article
presents facts about
something that happened recently or
that will happen in the near future. If
usually covers then 5 W s and H: who,
where, when, why and how.
2.Feature article – This type of article
presents information
in a more creative, descriptive way
than a straight news
article. It can be an article about a
person, a phenomenon, a
place, or other subject
3.Editorial article – This article
presents a writer’s opinions
on a topic or debate. It is intended
to persuade the reader to think a
certain way about a topic
4.Sports News Article – Features
about people and sports events that
bring these people together
- A form of writing that reports on
matters pertaining to
sporting topics and competitions.
New Infections Hit 10,016
New COVID-19 cases surge to 10,016
yesterday, the highest
single-day tally logged since the start of
the pandemic, data from
the Department of Health (DOH)
Health Benefits of a Cold Shower
People have used cold water
therapies for centuries as a
treatment to invigorate and
enhanced their overall well-being.
Some scientific studies support the
beneficial effects of cold showers on
mental and physical health. Even if
briefs burst of cold water can be
worth incorporating into a regular
shower time.
Catantan Bags Bronze for Penn
State Filipina fencer Samantha
Catantan ended her rookie year in
style, copping a bronze medal in the
women’s foil for Penn State
Drug Education
After targeting suppliers of
prohibited drugs, the
government is giving increased
attention to curbing demand.
Children from Kindergarten to Grade
12 will soon be taught
about the evils and prevention of drug
abuse. The details are still being ironed
out by the lead agencies in the
information campaign, the Department
of Education and Health.
Children from Kindergarten to
Grade 12 will soon be taught
about the evils and prevention of
drug abuse.
The details are still being ironed
out by the lead agencies in
- It is commonly written by one
of the newspaper editors
- It provides informed, reasoned,
argument for or against position
or idea
Types of Journalistic

2. Feature Article
– reports/features about a
certain topic, issue, person or
events with more back-
ground and in-depth details
- It has a friendly tone with a
lot of description
- It is a journalistic text that
appeals to the readers’
Activity 1: Find Me, Please.
Check on the feature article

Activity 1: Find Me, Please.
Check on the feature article

Activity 1: Find Me, Please.
Activity 1: Find Me, Please.
Check on the feature article

Activity 1: Find Me, Please.
Check on the feature article

Activity 1: Find Me, Please.
Check on the feature article

Activity 1: Read Me, to
Understand More…
Read and identify the following
articles as opinion article or
feature article. Write OA for
opinion article and FA for feature
1. Mango trees are among the easiest
trees to start from a seed and care for.
The size and flavor of the fruit
depend on the variety you choose, so
be sure to choose a variety you have
tasted and wished to grow.
You can grow a mango tree in a pot
to keep it small, or you can plant it
in the ground for a larger tree
either way, you’ll get to enjoy this
juicy and exotic fruit year after
2. Chocolates for your Brain.
Eating chocolates not only
satisfies your taste buds, it also
improves your brain functions.
The flavonoid found in chocolate has
been proven to help increase blood
flow to the brain. It can help in
boosting memory and attention span
and it also improves problem solving
4.Real-life Angel’: Actress Angel
Locsin needs no superpowers to help
out. Manila-Photos of actress Angel
Locsin giving out aid in the aftermath
of the series of Mindanao quakes have
made waves online, with people calling
her a “real –life Darna”
or a “real- life angel.” Known for
playing heroine “Darna” on screen,
Locsin has been hailed for showing
heroism off-camera having been
proactive in supporting emergency
One instance was the wake of
Super Typhoon Yolanda in
November 2013 where she used
social media to call for help and
flew to the worst-hit areas to
distribute aid. And then in 2017,
was at ground zero of the siege in
Marawi City, handling out food
packs and school supplies to those
who displaced by clashes between
government troops and terrorists.
In all the times she showed up to help,
Locsin did so without any
announcement to media, her acts just
captured by those who witnessed her
visits, posting videos and photos online.
Some 300 families were handed out
help according to the Philippine
Red Cross office in Davao Del Sur,
which had high praises for the actress.
A few months back, Locsin also opted
to skip the ABS CBN Ball and instead
directly donated her proceeds to
Bantay Bata 163, beneficiary
5.Coronavirus cases are climbing
again. So what?
With the upsurge in coronavirus cases
in the United States,
the Americas and mildly in the
Philippines. I can see some of my
readers wagging a finger at me:
“Well, what do you say now in
defense of your persistent
putdown of the lock down
strategy against the virus?”
I can construct an elaborate and
reasoned essay in answer, but I doubt if
I can improve on the blunt, almost
impudent response of the “issues and
insights” websites which has long been
for me a primary source of information
on the pandemic.
“But the rationale in the first place
could be even weaker than first
thought. The reason for this is that the
deaths now attributed to Covid-19
might be grossly
exaggerated. The evidence is
substantial and has been obvious for
“With Covid-19 infections indeed going up
due to more testing,
we’ll soon be hearing the same strident
voices yelling for a
shutdown. “Until our national “experts” can
explain to us why
we should take these bad numbers seriously,
don’t be panicked,
by phony warnings about possible
increases in deaths.
Manipulated numbers should
never be used to make sweeping
public policy decisions.
Activity 1:

Refer to English Quarter 4

Module 6
Activity 2:

Refer to English Quarter 4

Module 6
Home based Activity

Look for an example of

opinion article and feature
article from the newspaper or
from the internet.

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