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Capital: Brasilia
Official Language: Portuguese
Government: Presidential
Federal Republic
Population: 196,342,592 (5th)

Brazil's flag is a deep green banner with a yellow diamond

enclosing a night-blue as a sky. The sky has 27 white, five-
pointed stars (one for each state and the Federal District); the
stars are arranged in the pattern of the night sky over Rio de
Janeiro on November 15, 1889 (this is the date when the
republic was proclaimed). A banner across the sky reads,
"ORDEM E PROGRESSO," which means “Order and Progress”.
• The 5th largest population in the world (about 197 million people)

• Population is concentrated mainly along the coast and in the major

cities, where two-thirds of the people now live: over 19 million in greater
Sao Paulo and 10 million in greater Rio.
History and Language
• The Portuguese were the first European settlers to arrive in the area, led
by adventurous Pedro Cabral, who began the colonial period in 1500.

• Independence: 1822.
Brazilian Portuguese became influenced by Europeans who had migrated
to the central and southern parts of the country. This is the reason one
finds in those areas variations in pronunciation and a few superficial
lexical changes.

• In fact, the Brazilian dialect has become the dominant influence in the
development of the Portuguese language, for the simple reason that
Brazil has 15 times the population of Portugal and a much more dynamic
linguistic environment.  
Brazilian People / Curiosities
• Brazilian culture is known for its hospitality, openness and colorful and
rhythmic events such as Carnival. Some characteristics of this very diverse
country are music, dance, soccer, a vibrant atmosphere, beautiful nature,
and diverse landscape.

•Brazilian people are always friendly and cheerful. Smiles go a long way.
Cities in Brazil are vibrant and exciting with carnivals and music

• Our entire family goes to grandma's house on Sundays for a big family
get together. Even when we see each other everyday.

• We leave your house spotless when we have people coming over.

Because everything means party. And if the party isn’t over until 5 a.m. is
NOT a party! Also, if someone tells us to be at a certain place (specially
party) at 8:00 pm, we don't show up until 10:30 or 11:00 p.m.

•We understand and can speak Spanish, but when we say a word in
Portuguese no one understands us.
• We are always taking pictures everywhere we go.

•Any holiday, being it official or not, is an excuse to stay home from work
and take a week vacation.

• Our idea about Barbecue lunch is to spend the entire day eating and
drinking beer. Even if we start at 12 o’clock, we only say bye after 11 p.m.
But almost any occasion can be celebrated with a barbecue: birthdays,
political rallies, soccer games, or it can be a simple get-together with your
family and friends on the weekend.

• In Brazil you can find people from every corner of the world.

• Cost of living can be as low as 30% of the cost in the US/Europe

•Brazil is considered a low risk in respect of War, Terrorism, or Hurricanes.

• We’ve studied the history of almost every country.

• An ideal woman is a woman with small breasts and a big butt.

Brazil does Carnival(in Portuguese, Carnaval )-the annual four-day
festival marking the arrival of Lent- like nowhere else. With parties all across
the country-most famously in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil's version of Carnival is an
epic celebration of the senses, and visitors are welcome to join the fun.
Carnival usually falls toward the end of February, but note that the festivities
vary from region to region.
The dancing and music you're
most likely to see and hear in
Rio are known together as
samba. First introduced by
African slaves, samba has
become the national dance of
Brazil, and it permeates every
aspect of Carnival. In
northeast Brazil, samba
rhythms are joined by other
African-inspired music.
Each region of Brazil
celebrates Carnival in its own
Rio de Janeiro has many Carnival choices, including the famous Samba
school (Escolas de Samba) parades in the sambadrome exhibition
centre and the popular groups of carnival, which parade in almost
every corner of the city.
North Region
The north of Brazil offers unique
opportunities. There are 7 states in this
region. The Amazon is the largest biological
reserve in the world and has unparalleled
natural resources, as well as one third of the
planet's living species. Ten of the twenty
largest rivers on earth are located in the
Amazon River Basin. One of them is the
Amazon River, which is 4,087 miles long.

The region has a well developed ecotourism industry with high

standard tours that are conducted by well trained guides who have
survival training.
The differences between the black water of the Rio Negro and the
white water Amazon are readily apparent where two rivers meet near
Manaus, Brazil. The rivers run side by side, clearly distinct as separate
white and black water, before blending together after several miles.
Aerial view: Amazon River

Black water River

Amazon Animals
The Amazon rainforest is the biggest forest in the world and is also the
last big space covered with tropical plants and animals. Spectacularly there
are an estimated 15,000 different kinds of Brazilian Amazon animals.

Anaconda Snake
Made famous around the world by the film of the same name, the anaconda
snake is also known as the water boa. The snake lives in water and swamps
surrounding the Amazon and is nocturnal. It is one of the largest and most
powerful snakes in the world. It kills its prey by constriction, or squeezing.
Tamarin Golden Feet

An exotic frog
Moves such as James Bond made
in the 1970s and 1980s have made
the piranha a worldwide
phenomenon. In fact, the only
species of piranha that can strip
flesh of an animal in double quick
time are the red-bellied piranha.

One of the oldest Brazilian

Amazon animals, the tapir is
the world's most primitive
large mammal.
Amazon Hotels

Ariau Towers
As an unusual hotel, Ariau lets you
sleep in the treetops of the
Amazon Rainforest. “Tarzan’s
house,” for example, is perched on
stilts 80 feet above the ground.
Situated on the bank of the Negro
River, Ariau’s apartments, suites
and tree houses are linked by a
series of catwalks
Northeast Region
The Northeast Region is different from the
rest of Brazil. The population is more heavily
African, the culinary is spicier, the weather
hot and dry all the time. The barren areas
called sertão are more desert-like than
tropical since they get rain for only a short
time each year.
Northeast's culture is very rich, with its
unique constructions in the old centers of
Salvador, Recife and Olinda, dance (frevo and
samba), music (axé, forró) and culinary.
The economy is based on tourism (in coastal or historical cities) or agriculture.
The tourist industry is based largely on the beaches, which attract thousands
of tourists per year, not only from other regions of Brazil but also many from
Europe (especially Italy and Germany), the U.S.A., and Australia.

The northeast of Brazil is the

main “sun and beach”
destination in the country and
is also the area that is
receiving most investment
and attention on an
international level.
Lençóis Maranhenses
It is a sea of sand dunes that occupies
70 km of coastline and advances 50
km inland.
This formation provides impressive
views comprised of countless lakes
with blue and green water that during
the rainy season contrast with the
white sand of the dunes, which can
reach 40m in height.
A pleasant panoramic tour, with its reefs, natural swimming pools of
warm waters and the beauty of the coconut trees. You can also see the
historical centre, with its eclectic architecture, old churches to the centennial
bridges that were a mark the in Recife urbanization.
Heading for Olinda, a humanity's cultural and natural patrimony, with its
convents, monasteries and churches, built with art and with faith, the narrow
streets with colonial houses, the exotic slopes that lead to the city highest
point, the Alto da Sé, with a splendid view of Recife, of the surrounding
islands and of the huge beach area.
In tropical Salvador, June, and July are the coolest months with
temperatures in the 70s and 80s, abundant rain and pleasant trade
winds blowing off the ocean. In June, folklore comes alive with
celebration, music, dances, festive food and street decorations. Salvador
holds a special place in the development of the Brazilian nation and
Afro- Brazilian cultural identity. Salvador was the first capital city in
Lacerda Elevator

This tower with four electric lifts

provides access between the
High and Low areas of town
and fabulous panoramic views
of Salvador from it's top. It is 74
meters (242 ft) in height.
A parade in the streets of Salvador
Fernando de Noronha
Fernando de Noronha is a small volcanic island found a few hundred
kilometers off the coast of Brazil. It is formed by twenty one islands and has
a main island - the biggest one also called "Fernando de Noronha" - which
is the only one inhabited.
It's considered "the biggest natural world aquarium for animals of this
species". The Fernando de Noronha archipelago is divided in two
conservation units: the National Marine Reserve and the Environmental
Protected Area.
Each of these units has its own preservation rules, so as to harmonize use
and environmental preservation with the sustainable development.
Sunset in Fernando de Noronha
Central West Region

This Region is right in the heart of Brazil,

where Brazil's national capital, Brasília, is
situated. The Central-West is the most
important area for agriculture in the
country. It's the second largest region of
Brazil, but has a low demographic

With the move of the country's federal capital from Rio de Janeiro to
Brasília in the 60s, the construction of roads and railways to the
interior of the country made the accesses easier, speeding up the
population settling and contributing significantly to its development.
Brasilia is a world reference for urban planning. The locating of
residential buildings around expansive urban areas, of building the city
around large avenues and dividing it into sectors, has sparked a debate
and reflection on life in big cities in the 20th century. The architecture
and layout of the city is truly fascinating, and deserves a place on any
architect lover's list.
Brazilian National Congress
The Metropolitan Cathedral
of Brasilia

JK Bridge
Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte is surrounded by
mountains and built on rolling
hills and is the 3rd largest city in
Brazil. Belo Horizonte is the
capital of Minas Gerais state and
is home to almost 2.4 million
Ouro Preto Ouro Preto (Black Gold) is a famous
historic city because it is well
conserved and has a lot of attractions
such that : museums, night parties and
carnival. The city was called Gold’s City
because the Portuguese discovered
that there was a lot of gold to be
Pantanal is one of the world's largest freshwater wetlands. Millions of
waterfowl breed along its rivers and lagoons. Dense populations of exotic
animals in its forests and grasslands. The Pantanal is a vast area, larger
than Greece, and very sparsely populated.  Most of the inhabitants of the
Pantanal are remote native tribes or cattle ranchers, but the regions’
popularity as a tourist destination has surged in recent years. 

Pantanal’s Post Card: Arara

Southeast Region
Brazil begins to show its more urban side
in the Southeast.
It is the richest region of the country,
responsible for approximately 60% of the
Brazilian GDP.
Southeast region concentrates the majority
of the population, urban population,
vehicles, industries, universities, airports,
ports, highways, hospitals, schools, houses
and many others.

The largest city in Brazil, Sao Paulo, is located in this region, followed
by Rio de Janeiro, well known by Marvelous City.
Sao Paulo
Paulista Avenue
Sao Paulo's main street is one of
the favorite spots for Paulistanos.
Being a city landmark, Paulista
Avenue has all the shopping's and
brands from every corner of the
And you won't get bored at
nighttime either, as you have every
possible nightclub imaginable,
making Sao Paulo a premier
destination after Rio's. Also this
avenue is the largest financial
center in Latin America. There you
will find national and international
March 25th Street
Today March 25th Street is
the location of Latin
America's largest outdoor
market. On March 25th
Street you can find just about
anything you may be looking
for. There are over three
thousand shops located in
the 2,700 or so buildings in
and around March 25th
Street. These shops sell
various products including
electronics, shoes, clothing,
jewelry, furniture, toys,
sunglasses, CDs, DVDs, and
much more!
Municipal Market

The Municipal Market of São Paulo (Mercado Municipal de São Paulo)

also known as "Mercadão", in Downtown São Paulo, is an impressive
building in the neoclassical style, measuring over 22 thousand square
meters in area, tastefully outfitted and boasting a collection of beautiful
stained glass windows. The construction was begin in 1928 and ended in
The Municipal Market
is well attended by its
delicious typical food,
including a bologna
sandwich and the
famous pastel of cod.
Also there are all kinds
of fruits, meats,
cheeses and wines.

Pastel of Cod

Bologna Sandwich
Ibirapuera Park
Ibirapuera Park (Portuguese: Parque do Ibirapuera) is a major urban park
in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. It has a large area for leisure, jogging and
walking, as well as a convention center. Its importance to São Paulo is
comparable to the Central Park in New York City.
Beaches in Sao Paulo

Its beaches are beloved
for many Brazilians. It
has 80 beaches over its
90 kilometers coast,
from the exited and
dynamic beaches of
Itamambuca and
Vermelha do Norte,
frequented by
sportsmen, with strong
waves, until the free
paradisiacal beaches of
La Playa de la Hacienda,
with calm waters.
Ilha Bela
Ilha Bela is the biggest
island in Brazil and one
of the most visited,
maybe because it’s near
the two main cities in
Brazil. It’s located 210
miles south of Rio de
Janeiro and 138 miles
north of São Paulo. A
paradise for people that
like to be outdoors. The
island is ideal for who
want to practice aquatic
sports. There are great
35 km of beaches, and
a coastal Atlantic rain
Sao Vicente
As the most ancient
Brazilian municipality,
"City Monument of
Country's History",
"Main Cell of
Nationality", and due
to the condition of
being a touristic city
of Santos, having
historical and watering
place characteristics,
Sao Vicente is
included among the
watering resorts.
Santos Port

The Port of Santos is located in the city of Santos and is the biggest one in
Latin America. The port works 24 hours 7 days in the week and imports and
exports several products as well as coffee, orange juice, soybeans, cars, and
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro ("River of January” in English) is the second largest city of
Brazil and South America, behind São Paulo, and the third largest metropolitan
area in South America, behind São Paulo and Buenos Aires. It is the state capital
of Rio de Janeiro.
The city is nicknamed Cidade Maravilhosa, or "Marvelous City". It is also
famous for its natural settings, its Carnival celebrations, samba and other music,
and hotel-lined tourist beaches, such as Copacabana and Ipanema.
Some of the most famous landmarks in addition to the beaches include the
giant statue of Christ, known as Christ the Redeemer ('Cristo Redentor') atop
Corcovado mountain, named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World;
Sugarloaf mountain (Pão de Açúcar) with its cable car.
Christ of Redeemer

• Symbol of the city of Rio de Janeiro

• One of the New Seven Wonders of the
• The carioca, original from the city of
Rio de Janeiro, postal card standing 38
meters high.
• From its 38 meter of height, and 710
meters of the Corcovado Hill.
Sugarloaf (Pão de Açúcar)
Celebrating Christmas
The Sambódromo, a giant permanent
parade stand used during Carnival
(on the right) and Maracanã stadium,
one of the world's largest football
Ipanema Beach
Copacabana Beach

Copacabana Palace Hotel

South Region
Blond children with blue eyes and a
strong regional accent make you wonder:
Am I really in Brazil? This is the south.
Since it was colonized mainly by German,
Italian, and Polish immigrants, the facial
features and cultural preferences of this
region's inhabitants create a markedly
European atmosphere.
It has the highest standard of living in the

The capital of Paraná state, Curitiba, has the largest population and
also the largest economy, and the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto
Alegre, has the largest metropolitan area.
The south is also the coldest region of Brazil.
Curitiba is a Brazilian urban success story: the city boasts excellent
health, education and public transport facilities. Thanks in part to the
relative lack of traffic, it is a pleasure just strolling around day or/and
night - in safety. With its wide boulevards, parks and gardens it has a
reputation throughout Brazil as a pleasant place to live.
Also, Curitiba is one of the three cleanest cities in all Latin America.
Museum Oscar Niemeyer

Opera de Arame
(Opera House)
Praça do Japão (Japan Square)

Curitiba’s bus system.

Iguassu Falls
Iguassu Falls are waterfalls
of the Iguassu River located
on the border of the
Brazilian state of Paraná and
the Argentine province of
Misiones. The falls divide
the river into the upper and
lower Iguassu.
The falls can be visited at
any time of the year,
however the waterfalls are
at their most impressive
between the months of
December to March, which
is the rainy season.
Oktober Fest – Beer festival

In October, the city of Blumenau,

one of the most important cities in
the State of Santa Catarina, attracts
enthusiastic tourists from all over
the country and even abroad for
the Oktoberfest, a beer festival.
Oktoberfest in Brazil is a great
introduction to the country's
German heritage. Inspired in the
Oktoberfest in Munich, the
Oktoberfest in Brazil is now one of
the world's largest outside
Germany. And it is held in the
spring, one of the best things
about it is the fact that you can
City of Blumenau

Typical German dances are

also part of the celebration.

Florianopolis, or Floripa is one of the most safest place in the whole of Brazil. It
has became the gateway for some of the greatest beaches in Brazil through
Santa Catarina. The northern part of this island can be quite busy and crowded.
The whole island boasts some of the best surfing in Brazil and is also known for
its great nightlife with crazy clubs and friendly people. There are 42 beaches
around the island each diverse and unique in it’s own way and all within a short
distance from the downtown center.
Jurere International
Clean waters, white
sands, easy access -
about 20 minutes from
downtown Florianópolis
- are some of the
reasons to visit Jurerê,
on the northwest coast
of Santa Catarina Island.

Highest standard of living

Brazilian Food
Brazilian cooking history is in every bite of the country's food. Native Indians
developed corn porridge, cassava meal, sweet potatoes, many roots, hearts of
palm, many species of game and fish, and the preservation of meats by
smoking and drying.
Caipirinha is the national cocktail
made with Cachaça (or vodka), sugar
and key lime. Cachaça is Brazil's most
common distilled alcoholic beverage.
It is a potent, delicious lime and sugar
can drink - very refreshing for the

Brazil is the world's largest coffee
producer and is becoming a significant
player in the specialty coffee industry.
The Brazilian Coffee is famous because
is strong and and for its special taste.
Feijoada - the national dish of
Brazil, this Brazilian food will be
served to you whether you
chose to eat in one of the
many Brazil restaurants, or if
you are more adventurous and
chose to eat on the street.
Feijoada is a delicious
combination of rice, black
beans and pork. The best time
to eat it is on a Sunday, as this
the traditional time to eat this.
Brazilian Barbecue
Brazilians were the first to raise cattle
in South America. Churrasco
(pronounced shoo-RAS-koo) or
Brazilian barbecue was the traditional
staple food of who lives in South
Brazil or cowboys of Southern Brazil
for centuries before it spread to Rio
de Janeiro and São Paulo.

It has become very fashionable and

there are excellent steak house’s or
churrascarias (restaurants specializing in
Brazilian barbecue) all over Brazil and
around the world.
What is guarana about? As far as we're concerned, it's mostly about
Brazilian soda, and its flavor. Although we won't deny that taking guarana
has some effects similar to those you can expect after taking caffeine, it is
the exotic flavor that makes guarana sodas so interesting. The best
brands deliver a fruity taste, aren't overloaded with sugar, and have a
pleasant aftertaste.
Salgados are a wide group of snack foods that are mainly salty pastries, but
can also include things like chips and pretzels. At nearly every cafe, deli, and
juice bar in most parts of Brazil, salgados are freshly made and people eat
them as snacks at any time of the day. Here are some of the most common
ones you will find.

A tear-drop shaped fried pastry filled
with chicken

Pastel de carne/queijo: Meat/cheese

These look like Chinese food .The outside
is like a crunchy crackers you get with
Chinese delivery in the US, and the inside
is ground meat or cheese.
The water that there is inside of the coconut is a delicious drink
and is very good for treatment of dehydration. You can buy it
anywhere in Brazil and pay no more than $1.
In Brazil you can find all kinds of
natural juices you can imagine . Brazil
produces the most exotic fruits in the
world .
We take soccer too serious!

Ronaldo, the ‘phenomenal’.

He has receive the Player of the
Year award 3 times.
Ronaldinho has received the FIFA World
Player of the Year award twice.
Pele is a retired Brazilian
soccer player, rated by many
as the greatest soccer player
of all time. He was given the
title of Athlete of the
Century by the International
Olympic Committee.

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