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MID YEAR Project

EXAM marks 10%

- Individual or pair work
- 4 minutes for individual; 8
minutes for pair work

PRESENTATIO - Use of visual aids/props is


- Marks will be awarded as
follows :

Pronunciation - 5marks

Grammar - 5 marks

Vocabulary - 5marks

Content - 5 mark
Mark Rubrics - Pronunciation

5 marks = Excellent - flawless pronunciation

4 marks = Good - some word pronounced wrongly but meaning is clear

3 marks = Average - many mispronounced words but generally meaning

is clear

2 marks = Poor - many mispronounced to the point the meaning cannot

be understood

1 marks = Very Weak - meaning cannot be understood and need

Mark rubrics - Grammar

5 marks = Excellent - perfect use of grammar

4 marks = Good - some minor errors in use of verb tenses &

subject verb agreement

3 marks = Average - many grammatical errors but meaning is clear

2 marks = Poor - many grammatical errors to the point the

meaning cannot be understood

1 marks = Very Weak - meaning cannot be understood

Mark Rubrics - Vocabulary

5 marks = Excellent - good use of sophisticated vocabulary that is used &

pronounced correctly

4 marks = Good - good mix of sophisticated & simple vocabulary that is

used & pronounced correctly

3 marks = Average - vocabulary is mainly simple with period use of

sophisticated words with not all used correctly

2 marks = Poor - all words are simple; sophisticated vocabulary is

used/pronounced incorrectly and requires repeating

1 marks = Very Weak - no use of sophisticated vocabulary

Marks rubrics - content

5 marks = Excellent - all points are relevant to the topic, elaborated

well with examples

4 marks = Good - all points are relevant to the topic, elaborated,

examples make the point clearer

3 marks = Average - some points are relevant to the topic but do not have
any elaboration, but some all points have examples

2 marks = Poor - some points have no elaboration or examples

1 marks = Very Weak - some points have no elaborations or example; points

itself make no sense
TOPICS for 2-person

1. The Influence of Music on Society & Culture

2. Deadlines is an Unnecessary Stress Element
3. The Influence of Media on Self-Esteem
TOPICS for individual
1. I’m Here for a Reason and It’s an Interesting Story
2. The Importance of Work-Life Balance and How I Strive
Achieve It
3. Things I Learnt During Lockdown
Presentation All The Best

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