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Effective Communication

at Work Place

ውጤታማ የሥራ ቦታ ተግባቦት

◦ Presented to : CCB Kaizen team

◦ Presented by: Dereje M.

Yekatit 30/2015
Contents of the presentation
 Introduction

 Definition: Meaning of communication

 Types of communication: verbal vs. non-verbal

 Feed-back and active listening

 Advantages of Effective communication

 Disadvantages of poor communication

 Barriers of effective communication: Intrapersonal vs. Organizational

 Effective communication Strategies in the Organization

“ You cannot teach a person something he does not already know; you can only bring what he does know to his awareness.” Galileo

 Effective communication in the workplace is essential but not everybody
is skilled at it,

 It is good to know what to expect, and how you can improve your

 so that when you are ‘on the job’, you give your best, show motivation
and enthusiasm, and communicate to the best of your ability.
Definition: Meaning of Communication

Definition by American Heritage dictionary:

• Exchange of thought, message, or information by speech, signals,

writings or behavior,

• The art and techniques of using words effectively to impart information or

•Communication is derived from the Latin word “communicare”
meaning “to share”, an act of conveying intended meanings from
entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood
signs and semiotic rules.
What is good Communication?

Good communication is expressed in terms of a good a Communicator.

A good communicator is someone who can craft and well-delivered message that
can be effectively understood by the receiver; and it is also characterized by:
◦ convey their messages without misleading or misrepresenting themselves,

◦ effectively communicate with a range of people- whether it is the office cleaner or

a senior executives,
◦ Navigate from informal causal communicative settings to more formalized and
polished types of communication in both written and spoken,
◦ Show a mastery and command of language.
Who is accountable for effective comm?

Every one in the organization is accountable for effectiveness of

their communication.
◦ This especially applies to those who manages others.

◦ communication is not one way; for effective communication,

there must be interaction between a boss and an employee.
Is it possible Not to communicate?

The answer is NO!

 since communication doesn’t involve just words, but it also

behavior, and unless one is dead, one always behaves.
So long as there is life, there is communication, even if the
person is intentionally trying to cease all communication.
◦ “No communication” is communication!!!
Characteristics of Communication

 Continuous process,

 Complete system,

 interactive,

 timely and ever changing,

 mostly irreversible,

 Intentional or unintentional,

Myths about communication

 Communication will solve all problems: it may result in creating

new problems,
 More communication is better: Quality is better than quantity,
since more negative communication result in more negative results,
 communication is always positive: it may be positive or
 words carry better meanings: Non-verbal communication will
carry most of the meanings,
 communication is natural ability: you can develop and sharpen
communication skills.
Meaningful Communication

Non-verbal communication
consists 93% (55+38)
Howof messages
y Writ-
Lan ten
gua 7%
55% 1 2 3
Communication Types:
Verbal vs. Non-verbal
Non verbal communication: types

1. Visual
2. Physical: gesture vs. posture
3. Vocal- pitch
4. Uses of space- physical distance between communicators
5. Image- neat or messy
Different types of Body Language
Verbal Communication

 Verbal communication is any communication that uses

language to convey meaning.

 It can include oral communication, such as speaking to

another person over the telephone, face-to-face discussions,
interviews, debates, presentations and so on.

 It can also include written communication, such as letters and

How To Develop Strong Verbal Communication Skills

Developing strong verbal communication skills is about practice. The first step is to be
aware of which aspects of verbal communication influence its effectiveness. The following
are aspects of verbal communication that all affect how the message is perceived.

Word Choice: What vocabulary is being used? Do the words have a positive or negative

Speed of Speaking: How fast is the delivery? Are there pauses?

Pitch and Tone: Is the voice high-pitched or low? Is it appropriate for the situation?

Clarity: Are the words enunciated properly? Is the information clear?

Use standard words!!
–ve energ
y, but ma
x +ve energ
Your words Matters!! Words threaten more than a box kick
For better communication develop the ff skills

Bad Pessimistic


For a better
and change
Avoid negative
Types of Verbal Communication

1. Intrapersonal Communication- the receiver and the sender of verbal

communication are the same person.

2. Interpersonal Communication- occurs between two people using


3. Small Group Communication- is when there are more than two people
involved in the exchange of information. Ex. Board meeting

4. Public Communication-is when an individual or groups of people

project verbal information to a large group. Ex. Seminars
Feed back

“Communication is Incomplete without Feedback” Archit


Feed back taps basic human needs- to improve, to complete, to

be accurate, to be competent,

Feedback can be reinforcing- if given properly or it can be

appreciated and motivates to improve.
Types of Feedback

 Negative feedback,

 Positive feedback

 Negative Feed forward,

 Positive feed forward

Types of feedback…cont’d
Negative feedback- is those feedback which point out toward the mistake
in the context of the message or the work which is being done it tells
about the improvements which can be made in the work.

Negative feedback tells the sender about the main areas where the
receiver is not able to understand it and where things should be
changed. Negative feedbacks bring out the change what is needed
to become easy for everyone.
Types of Feedback…cont’d

Positive feedbacks: are those feedbacks which are given after the
receiver understands what they need to do and after doing that it is
shown in their results.

Positive feedbacks are easy because the receiver understand the

message easily that what work is required from them because of which
the results are always good and they are done in the limited time and
also their results are also up to the mark.
Types of feedback…cont’d

Negative feed forward: is that type of feedback in which the

feedback which is given for the future conduct of the work, it tells
about the changes that are required for more better results,
employees are able to give their views for the future changes that they
require for there working
Types of feedback…cont’d

Positive feed forward: these feedbacks are the affirming

feedbacks given for the future events. These feedbacks are the
ones that tell us that the receiver does not require any
change he is working fine and is able understand the
Different ways of giving feedback
Sandwich Structure- the easiest

1. First say what was good about a person’s performance:

this is the top slice of bread in the sandwich,

2. Next say what would make it even better next time, e.g.
three areas for development are xyz….

3. Finally, on a positive note. Say overall what was good

about the person’s performance.
Different ways of giving feedback…cont’d
The BOOST Feedback Model
B- Balanced= get the person to think about both their areas of strength and where
development is needed.
O- Observed= communicate what you have observed about the other person’s
O- Objective= avoid being subjective, or judgmental about the person. Make
sure your feedback is only about what the person is doing or has
done; not about who they are.
S- Specific= give one or two specific examples that you have observed. Generalized
feedback is not easy for the listener to learn from, so, instead of you are
sloppy…., it is better to say, when you do xxx….
T- Timely= any feedback you give is best as soon as possible after the
behavior you have observed. Timely advice allows the listener
to reflect to reflect on what they have done immediately.
Reasons why feedback is so important are:

1. Feedback is effective listening,

2. Feedback can motivate employees,

3. Feedback can improve performance,

4. Feedback is a tool for continued learning=Continued feedback is important

across the entire organization in order to remain aligned to goals, create
strategies, develop products and services improvements, improve
relationships, and much more. Continued learning is the key to improving.
Active Listening

o Listening your employees means truly paying

attention to what they are saying,

o listening is not a passive process in which you nod

and raise an occasional eye-brow.
Strategies for developing active listening
 When you initiate conversations with employees, greet them personally
and listen sincerely,

 Ask friendly questions, such as how is the family? And what is going on
with you? Listen for hidden messages in words or actions,
 The speaker may not want to say certain things out of fear of a negative
reaction; be aware of the other persons’ body language and tone of

 Attend non- verbal cues, body language, not just words: listen b/n the
Developing strategies …cont’d
 look at the person, listen openly and with empathy vs. sympathy,
 State your position openly: be specific, not go around the bush
 Respond in an interested way that shows you understand the
problem and the employee’s concern,
 Use multiple techniques to fully comprehend like ask, repeat,
 ask the other person for his views or suggestions,
Developing strategies …cont’d

 Judge the content not the person-comprehend before you judge,

 acknowledge other’s uniqueness, importance,

 Be aware of the potential for defensiveness and make need


 Realize that when people feel threatened to try to protect themselves,

this is natural, and this can be take the form of aggression, anger,
competitiveness, avoidance, are among others.
Advantages vs. Disadvantages

Advantages of effective communication Disadvantages of poor communication

When there is an effective communication, the following positive When there is poor communication in an organization,
result will come: there is a number of negative outcomes:

 Distrust/burn-out= Mental exhaustion. Physical exhaustion. Emotional

Improve employees’ productivity exhaustion.

• Can lead to ‘Snowball’ effect on employees’ decision

Increase employees’ job satisfaction

• Lower moral/motivation and lead to declining Productivity

Positive effect on absenteeism and turnover rate

• Confusion/information over-load

• Absenteeism

• Dissatisfaction
Barriers to effective
communication skill
Interpersonal Barriers

1. Perception and perceptual selection processes- check whether

it is free from bias?

2. Semantics or Language,

3. Channel selection,

4. Inconsistent verbal and non-verbal communication

Organizational Barriers

1. Physical destructions/noise,

2. Information overload,

3. Time pressure

4. Technical and in-group language,

5. Status difference,

6. Task and org structure requirements,

7. Absence of formal communication channel

Take care of traits below the line…hidden behaviors of persons
Effective Communication Strategies
in an Organization
Effective Communication strategies…cont’d

Communication is a critical function in organizations, from the very small

to the very large. Even one-to-one communications can be fraught with
challenges and misunderstandings.

By communicating purposefully and focusing on results and

relationships, businesses can leverage effective communication strategies
to generate solid results with multiple audiences.

Effective organizational communications require sound strategies and

ongoing focus. Consider the following components of effective
organizational communications.
Effective Comu strategies…cont’d

1. Openness-
An open communication environment is one in which all members
of the organization feel free to share feedback, ideas and even
criticism at every level. Leaders who are committed to open
communication build an environment of trust that can be the
foundation for success.
Effective Comu strategies…cont’d

2. Inclusive –
An inclusive communication strategy is one in which explicit steps are taken to
ensure that all employees feel they are involved in decisions that affect their day-
to-day work. Organizations with a secretive communication environment shut
people out, which can stifle involvement and result in lost ideas and opportunities.
Employee involvement is a key factor that affects employee satisfaction and
Effective Comu strategies…cont’d

3. Two-Way –
Communication should never be one-way--either from the top-down or the
bottom-up. Effective communication strategies involve two-way
communication, or conversations, between members of the organization.
Companies whose managers successfully engage employees in conversations
about their work, their ideas and their perspectives on issues related to
products, services, customers and the business environment develop a culture
of inclusiveness that generates results.
Effective Comu strategies …cont’d

4. Results-Driven –

Business communication should be results-driven and strategically

focused on achieving measurable results. Organizations need to think
about what employees need to know to do their jobs effectively, to
interact with customers effectively and to serve as ambassadors
outside of the organization. Effective communication isn't just nice to
do; it's need to do.
Effective Comu strategies…cont’d

5. Multi-Channeled –
Effective organizational communicators know that messages need to be delivered
multiple times in multiple ways to have the most impact. Employee
communication needs and preferences differ, different messages require
different methods and busy business environments can mean that messages get
lost. Using multiple channels to communicate with various audiences will
increase the odds that communications are received and understood.
Other strategies…
1. Be respectful and professional in your interactions,

2. Listen intently to the other person,

3. Try to understand the other person’s viewpoint,

4. Acknowledge the other person’s thought and feelings,

5. Assume good faith- be cooperative,

6. Look for shared concerns- focus on smaller issues first, before moving to
more difficult issues and return to common interest,
Other strategies…

7. state your feelings such as I think or I feel,…

8. Don’t take things personally- don’t respond personally if things go wrong and take a
brake, and talk later when things cool off,

9. Learn to say” I am wrong” and ask apologize when it is appropriate,

10. Don’t feel pressured to agree instantly- try not to solve the problem prematurely and
find a time to meet again,

11. Think about possible solutions before meeting- a neutral third party sometimes

12. Think of conflict resolution as a helical process- handling conflict is not a linear
process; conflicts are rarely resolved in one interaction. It needs a step by step process..
Be Bookish to have a better communication skill

It is not what you say, it is

how you say it matters the
most in relaying your
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Thanks for your kind Attention !!

Rest for Reflection

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