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Dr. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Dương

Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance
The different views of International Finance
 International Finance is the stage of external financing - a part
of the national financial system
 The payment activities and international credit
 Financial relationship between governments and international
 The financial activities of transnational companies or
multinational companies
 International Finance is a collection of related financial
entities whose operational ranges beyond the borders of a
Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance

Content of the international finance’s relations

 Financial relations between different countries and
with the international financial institutions
 Financial Relations of enterprises - multinational
 International operations of financial intermediary
 The financial relationship under moving form of
income and capital of the individual
 The operation of international financial markets
Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance

The basis of formation and development

 Originating from international trade relations
 The relationship of cooperation between the
countries in terms of economic, cultural, political,
 The movement of capital between countries: The
difference in marginal efficiency of investment
(MEI) or ICOR of different countries
 The trend of opening integration and globalization
Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance
Impact of International financial activities
1. The positive impact
• Allowing potential advantages of each country to be explored,
establishing overall development of the involved countries.
• Strengthening cooperation, international integration, peace and
friendship among nations
• Improving the efficient use of natural resources and society, especially
financial resources
• Raise living standards and improve international environmental
2. The negative impact
• Increase the gap between rich and poor and more dependent on the rich
• The volatility of international financial situation can cause serious
consequences for many countries
• The financial crisis and the economic crisis
Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance

The purposes and objects of study

At the macro level: International financial operations,
management policies of international financial activities
of nations, policies and activities of international
financial institutions
At the micro-level: Many international financial
activities of economic entities including enterprises,
individuals, business operations and risk prevention in
the international financial markets.
Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance
Course contents and methods
 There are 8 chapters (weight of 4 credits) of theoretical
study including 70% lecturing and student self-study,
discussion, presentation according to suggested and selected
topics, which account for 30%
 Subjects are presented with a combination of lectures,
textbooks, reference books, typical study examples and
practical exercises
 Methods of teaching and learning that promote active
student, lectures presented in parallel discussions with the
participation of students on the basis of textbooks, reference
materials and other utility tools.
Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance
Assessment of learning outcomes
 Results of study are assessed on the basis of the learning
process and students participating in the course
 The participation of students in the program includes:
Class lectures, self-study and completing practical
exercises, tests and final examination. Specifically:
1. Participate in discussions, exercises and presentation of
practical research and _ test: 20%
2. Attendance : 10%
3. Final examination: 70%
Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance
Course’s requirement
Recognizing the benefits of international financial activities,
actively engaged in international financial activities, to meet the
growing demand of the business, countries and the development
of the international community
Understanding and be able to access international financial
Understanding and be able to apply international financial
policies, can participate in drafting, amending, adding related
international financial policies.
Limiting the negative impact of international financial activities:
The negative effects of fluctuations and particularly from the
international financial crisis
Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance

Requirements for students to abide by regulations

Reading textbooks and materials before lecture
Attend all classes, punctuality
Strictly abiding by classroom rules
Positive and proactive participation during lessons
Self-awareness to self-study, group discussions and
class discussions
Complete assignments , tests and final exam
Chapter 1:
An introduction of International Finance
Material resources
Text books
 C. Paul Hallwood va Ronald McDonald - Tài chính và Tiền tệ Quốc tế (International Money and
 David K. Eiterman, Archur I. Stonehill và Micheal H. Moffelt - Tài chính Công ty Đa quốc gia
(Multinational Business Finance).
 Jeff Madura - Quản trị Tài chính Quốc tế (International Financial Management).
 Bruno Solnik và Dennis McLeavey - Đầu tư Quốc tế (International Investment).
 E. Hughes và Scott B. MacDonald - Nghiệp vụ Ngân hàng Quốc tế (International Banking).
Reference books
 Nguyễn Văn Tiến – Tài chính Quốc tế hiện đại
 Nguyễn Văn Tiến - Thị trường Ngoại hối và các giao dịch kinh doanh ngoại hối
 Nguyễn Văn Tiến – Thanh toán Quốc tế
 Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo và Hoàng Lan Hương - Hướng dẫn nghiệp vụ kinh doanh ngoại tệ và thanh
toán quốc tế
 Peter S. Rose - Quản trị Ngân hàng thương mại
 Jounals
 Websites

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