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Team Name: Aspire

•Team members: 1) Dhananjay Gurjar

2) Mayur Patel
3) Muskan Khan
4) Samridhi Sahu
5) Sudhanshu Tiwari

•Graduating year: 2024

•College Name: University Institute of Technology - RGPV, Bhopal

Tell us a bit about yourself 
We worked on a python project which aimed at creating an application to store,
retrive and modify the mid-semester test marks of the various courses in our
university. The frontend was built using HTML-CSS and the connectivity with the
database was set using flask module.
Flask is a small and lightweight Python web framework that provides useful tools
and features that make creating web applications in Python easier. We were happy
to develop the project in flask as it gave us the flexibility to build our application
quickly using only a single Python file.
Here’s a small overview of the project’s flow: Creating templates, Adding routes and
rendering template, working with the database metadata, reirecting, making use of
SQLAlchemy, Jinja templating and flashing.
We have developed a website through which one can check the weather of any city.
The main Idea behind this project is to showcase our skills and creativity. The
technologies used in this project were JS, React, NodeJS, and HTML/CSS. We have
fetched weather details from real-time weather API.
Problem statement 2: Generative AI | HealthBot
• Overview of our solution: Developing a fully functional chatbot with integration to
external sources involves defining its purpose and scope. Gathering healthcare data,
developing an NLP model, and designing a conversational flow. Integrating with
external systems, implementing security measures, and thoroughly testing the bot.
Deploying it to desired platforms, monitoring performance, and regularly updating
based on user feedback.

• Process Flow:
1. Setting up the environment 2. Gathering reliable medical data
3. Developing the chatbot logic 4. Integrating with external sources
5. Authentication and source attribution 6. Building the chatbot interface
7. Testing and refining 8. Deployment and maintenance
Tech Stack
• Backend: Flask - Flask is a lightweight web framework for Python that is often used for building
RESTful APIs. It is a popular choice for developing backend services due to its simplicity and
flexibility. Further TensorFlow or PyTorch healthbot can be used in case any advancements done in
the project involves machine learning or deep learning models. These libraries provide powerful
tools for building and training AI models, and they have Python APIs for integrating them into your
• Frontend: HTML/CSS/JavaScript - HTML provides the structure, CSS is used for styling, and
JavaScript enables interactivity and dynamic behavior on the client-side. There are various JavaScript
frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Vue.js. These frameworks are used with Python
on the backend to create a complete healthbot application.
• Cloud Service Providers: Amazon Web Services (AWS) - AWS is a comprehensive cloud platform
that provides a wide range of services for building and deploying applications. We leveraged services
such as Amazon EC2 for virtual servers, Amazon S3 for storage, AWS Lambda for serverless
computing, and Amazon RDS for managed databases.
• Database: SQL (MySQL)
Detailed Description of the solution
Here's a high-level overview of the typical architecture of our proposed model:
1. User Interface: The user interface captures user inputs and communicates with the backend
components to send user inputs and receive responses.
2. Backend/API Layer: This layer handles incoming requests from the user interface, performs data
processing, and provides responses back to the user interface.
3. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP libraries perform tasks such as text parsing, entity
recognition, intent classification, and sentiment analysis.
4. Knowledge Base/Database: Database is used to store and retrieve information. This can include
medical knowledge, FAQs, user profiles, or historical data.
5. External APIs/Services: Healthbots integrates with external APIs or services to access additional data
or functionalities such as connecting with the medical databases.
6. Security and Authentication: Security measures are incorporated to protect user data. This can
include encryption, secure communication protocols, user authentication, and access control
Data Flow Diagram
So, how is our solution different?
The HealthBot will try to solve or provide an answer to health-related issues or queries that the user is
asking for. We are implementing NLP and ML to improve the efficiency of the chatbot. Moreover,
leveraging Python for constructing the healthbot brings forth numerous benefits thus making our
solution more captivating. Some of the useful features of our solution are provided below:
• Rich framework: Python has a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that are well-suited for
building healthbots. Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn provide powerful tools for data
manipulation, analysis, and machine learning.
• Integration with Existing Systems: Python offers excellent integration capabilities so our healthbot
can interact with other systems and APIs seamlessly. It also provides tools for making HTTP requests,
accessing databases, parsing data formats, and connecting to external services.
• Cross-platform Compatibility: Python is a cross-platform language, meaning that Python-based
healthbots can be developed and deployed on various operating systems, including Windows,
macOS, and Linux. This flexibility allows for broader reach and ensures that the healthbot can be
accessed by users regardless of their preferred platform.
Future possible enhancements
• Integration with telehealth platforms for live consultations with healthcare professionals.
• Integration with electronic health records (EHR) for secure access to user medical history.
• Incorporation of machine learning for improved symptom analysis and diagnosis accuracy.
• Expansion of multilingual support for a diverse user base.
• Integration with wearable devices for real-time health monitoring and personalized
• Implementation of proactive health monitoring features for reminders and preventive
• Continuous updates to the healthbot's knowledge base for the latest medical information.
• Incorporation of sentiment analysis and emotional support capabilities.
• Integration with chatbots and virtual assistants for a seamless user experience.
Risks/ Challenges / Dependencies
• Data Collection: Gathering and organizing large volumes of diverse health data, including
medical records, symptoms, treatments, and more, while ensuring data accuracy and
• User Trust and Acceptance: Building user trust and acceptance of the healthbot as a
reliable source of healthcare information and guidance.
• Natural Language Processing (NLP): Developing robust NLP models to interpret and
understand user queries accurately, considering the complexities of human language,
ambiguity, and context.
• Privacy and Security: Implementing stringent security measures to protect sensitive health
data, complying with privacy regulations (e.g., HIPAA), ensuring secure data storage, and
encrypted communication channels.
• Accuracy and Reliability: Ensuring the healthbot provides accurate and reliable
information, diagnoses, and recommendations.
Acceptance Criteria Coverage
Following aspects of the problem statement have been covered?
•An end-to-end Chatbot platform
•Configurable options to enable or disable sources
•Engaging end customer's chatbot interface with accurate and relevant

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