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Path Fit 1: Movement

Movement and its Theory

Movement is the keystone of Physical Education. It

may be affected by physiological factors (physical
fitness and body build), biomechanical factors
(teaching movement skill effectively), sociological
factors (competitor, team mates) and psychological
factors (fear, anxiety, self – concept).

Movements are bound to evolve in

space as well as in time. And in this They are four motion factors towards
evolution of movement the weight of which the mover adopts a fighting or
the body is brought out into flow indulging attitude as follows.
You can use three columns, why not?


The body category describes structural and physical
characteristics of the human body while moving. This
category is responsible for describing which body parts
are moving, which parts are connected, which parts are
influenced by others, and general statements about body
Effort or “dynamics,” is a system for understanding the
more subtle characteristics about movement with respect
to inner intention.
While the Body category primarily develops connections
within the body and the body/space intent, the way the
body changes shape during movement is further
experienced and analyzed through the Shape category. It is
important to remember that all categories are related, and
Shape is often an integrating factor for combining the
categories into meaningful movement.
One of Laban's primary contributions to Laban Movement
Analysis (LMA) are his theories of Space. This category
involves motion in connection with the environment, and
with spatial patterns, pathways, and lines of spatial tension
Movement skills must be explicitly taught; they are not acquired
simply through participating in activities of various sorts.
However, these skills should not be taught in isolation from
context in which they will be applied. Instead, they should be
taught in a way that demonstrates how they will be used within
and across a variety of physical activities, so that children and
youth can apply and transfer their skills to specific activities.

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