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Maria Teresa Ortiz Soto.
Maria del Socorro Vieyra Cabera.
Patricia Sarahí Ulloa Bonilla.

Transylvania, is
located in the historic
eastern European
region, now in
Relevant aspects of lifestyle
• Transportation:
Transylvania is a big region, there are a lot of villages,
and public transportation is limited.

• Walking around in Transylvania

Within villages, walking can be tough: some villages are
tiny in population but are so spread out, crisscrossed by
farmland, that it’s quite a journey to walk from one end to
the other.
• Mobile phone coverage
Is phenomenal in villages, much better than
in rural areas of Western Europe, and almost
every villager has a smartphone and is glued
to it as much as urbanites.

• Conversation topics
Transylvanian villagers follow topics like the
global economy and EU integration more
closely than people in small towns in the UK.
• The architecture
The architecture of the majority of houses is the
traditional Saxon style, with pastel-painted walls,
small windows, and wooden crosses, which
immediately gives the villages an old-time charm.
Access roads to many neighbourhoods are often
only by gravel paths or unpaved dirt trails
through fields. Many villagers use horse and
wagon for transportation; in some areas, there
are many more wagons than cars. Most villages
have public wells which provide fresh water for
• Security and Neighborhood
The towns are extremely safe. Transylvanian
villages are very, very safe. Everyone knows
everyone. Neighbors don't lock their doors
some don't even have locks on their doors.
Not many strangers come to the towns, and
anyone who arrives immediately stands out
and draws a lot of suspicion and scrutiny from
the locals. In these villages, most people
speak the Romani language, women wear
traditional colorful clothes, older men often
wear traditional black hats, and everyone
considers themselves Roma.
In the big cities of Romania, many people speak very good English, as well as German, Spanish
or Italian. In the towns, however, hardly anyone speaks English.
• Winter Holidays.
In Transylvania, winter holidays
start on December 6th, on St.
Nicholas Day, when good,
obedient children receive gifts in
their boots and girls knead the
dough for pies. At night, the young
men in the village meet and party
until dawn.
• On Saint Lucia Day, on December 13th
The men used to perform a ritual meant to
protect the household from the evil: they went
around the house carrying a tray with embers in
which a few branches were placed.

• St. Basil's
Around New Year's, there is the superstition that
young people can find out their fate. For
instance, on St. Basil's (January 1st), in
Hunedoara, they perform the “sânvăsâi", a
custom observed by the single girls.
• Easter Traditions in Transylvania
Believers strictly observe the Lent and try to carry out
the household activities: the land is plowed and sown,
houses are whitewashed and cleaned, new clothes are

• Wedding Traditions in Transylvania

In Transylvania, the wedding is a ritual full of
traditions that are intended to mark the formation of
the new family and its integration in the community.
First of all, the young man has to woo the girl, asking
for her parents' consent to marry.
• Bear Day is celebrated in the villages of
Transylvania 40 days after Christmas, on
February 2nd. On this day, people try to predict
the weather.

• The Adorned Ox is a tradition observed near the

Pentecost, to protect crops from storms and hail.

• The Harvest Mace is a folk custom specific to

Cârţa village (Sibiu County). One day in July, the
villagers dress in festive attire and go to the field,
where they teach the young how to cut the wheat
ears and how to bind sheaves.
Advantages about live in Transylvania
1. Residents there are very close and
friendly people.
2. Almost everyone can speak English and
Romanian is a language very easy to
3. The life here is very cheap.
4. There are several of the best natural sites
of the world and many famous places.
Disadvantages about live there
1. It’s hard to find a job because the economy
there isn’t good.
2. One of the requirements to live there is that
you need a work visa, and you only can get
it if you show them that you have a job and
you can speak and write English and
3. Actually, are insecurity problems in the
4. There isn’t good quality of medical care in
the Hospital and health clinicals.
What should you do in Transylvania?
1. One of the most popular tourist
attractions in Transylvania is the Castle
of Bran due to Count Dracula, a famous
fiction character that was created by
Stoker, a famous writer, who was
inspired by Vlad Tepes (Vlad
Draculea), one of the most important
rulers in Romania. However, you can
find others beautiful and awesome
castles like the Pelisor Castle.
2. If you like the nature, you
can have an adventure for the
different natural places of
Transylvania, like in Turda
Gorge, Balea Lake, Urlatoarea
Waterfall, Transfagarasan
Highway, Poiana Brasov and
the Apuseni Nature Park,
where you can do hiking,
cycling, climbing,
underground boat ride or even
3. If you like medieval building
and mysticism, you should visit
all churches and cathedrals that
there are in Transylvania, Ones of
the most famous are: Biserica
Neagra, Biserica din Deal, Sibiu
Lutheran Cathedral, Sibui
Ortodox Cathedral, Biserica Sf.
Nicolae, all of them were made
by Gothic, Baroque or Byzantine
4. Finally, if you like walk around
the streets and go to shopping, eat
delicious food, and visit different
museums and tourist places of the
city, you should visit this famous
city squares: Piata Sfatului, Piata
Mare and Cetatea Brasovului. In
these places you can see beautiful
gothic, baroque and renaissance
buildings, historical monuments,
museums, and art galleries. Also,
you can pass your time visiting
wonder restaurants, markets and if
you have lucky medieval fairs.
Curious facts about Transylvania
1. Many people can speak a little of Spanish, almost all
the population can speak at least two languages.
2. Transylvania isn’t a dark place.
3. Bram Stoker never went to Transylvania, so if you go
to there looking for places were mentioned by the
novel, you are wrong.
4. Dracula is taken seriously, Vlad Draculea is
considered as a national hero, but you might find
some places where you can buy vampiric souvenirs,
though these things could be considered of
5. Things are surprisingly cheap: train tickets, food,
good wine, buy a house.
One of the typical dishes is the sarmale, it
is used especially in family celebrations.
It is a roll prepared with cabbage leaves
and stuffed with meat, onion and rice.

The ciorba de perisoare is a rich meatball
Another of the traditional dishes is mici
sau miticel. It is a sausage made with
minced pork or Lamb meat mixed with
garlic and other especias such as pepper,
tomillo, cumin and coriander.

It is a chicken stew cooked with plenty
of onion and vegetables to which are
added a kind of fritters made with flour
and water that increase the consistency
of the sauce.
It is a plum brandy, it is obtained from
the distillation of plums, albaricoques
and pears. If left to stand long enough it
reaches considerable levels of alcohol.

An orujo brandy, perfect for any
digestion after a Majestic meal.
These are some of the attractions that
can be found in Transylvania.
As firts this the black church
‘biserica neagra’ is the most famous
monument of Brazov, the
monumental black church rises
above the council square and the old
townof brazov. Is the largest gothic
church between vienna and istanbul.
The council square
The council square ‘plata sfatului’
located in the heart of the old brazov.
This sqare is full of beautiful gothic
buildings, baroque and renaissance.
The main sqare of brazov has been a
focal point of life in the city since
medieval times. Is a popular meeting
place and a great place to enjoy the
There is aslo lake balea ‘lacul balea’
this is a glacear lake in the mountains of
romania. Located more tan 2.000
meters high.

The Catherine gate is technically the

last remaining medieval structure of
brazov. Was built by saxon sttlers in
1559. Then used as a storage sapace
during the nineteenth and twentieth

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