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Hadits Motivasi

• ☘️Muroja'ah hadits yg pertama
• *Menyebarkan Salam*
َّ ‫ا َ ْف ُش ْوا‬
• ‫السال َ َم بَيْنَك ُْم‬
• Sebarkanlah salam diantara kamu (HR. Muslim. No 54)
• 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
• ☘️muroja'ah hadits yg ke 2
• *Keutamaan Memiliki Hafalan Al Qur’an*
• Dari Abdullah bin ‘Amr, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
• ‫ُؤها‬َ ‫آخ ِر آيَةٍ تَ ْق َر‬ ِ ‫الدنْيَا َفِإ َّن َمن ْ ِزل ََك عِ ن ْ َد‬ ُّ ‫ت تُ َر ِتّ ُل فِى‬ َ ْ ‫آن اق َْرْأ َو ْارتَ ِق َو َر ِتّ ْل ك ََما كُن‬
ِ ‫يُ َق ُال لِ َصاحِ ِب ال ْ ُق ْر‬
• “Dikatakan kepada orang yang membaca (menghafalkan) Al Qur’an nanti : ‘Bacalah dan naiklah serta tartillah sebagaimana engkau di dunia mentartilnya. Karena kedudukanmu adalah pada akhir ayat yang
engkau baca (hafal).”
• (HR. Abu Daud no. 1464 dan Tirmidzi no. 2914. Syaikh Al Albani dalam As Silsilah Ash Shohihah no. 2240 mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shohih)
• 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
• ☘️muroja'ah hadits yg ke 3
• *alqur'an sebagai syafa'at*
• Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam besabda
• ‫حاب ِِه‬ َ ‫يعا َأل ْص‬ ً ‫ام ِة َش ِف‬ ‫ْأ‬
َ َ‫آن َفِإن ّ َُه يَ ِتى يَ ْو َم ال ْ ِقي‬
َ ‫اق َْر ُءوا الْقُ ْر‬
• “Bacalah Al Qur'an karena Al Qur'an akan datang pada hari kiamat nanti sebagai syafi'(pemberi syafa'at bagi yang membacanya.” [HR. Muslim no 1910]
• 👉hadist ke 4
• *hadits menuntut ilmu*
• *Rasulullāh ‫ صــلىاــلهـ عليهـ وـسلم‬bersabda*
• ‫عل َى ك ّ ُِل ُم ْسلِ ٍم‬ َ ‫يض ٌة‬ َ ‫َطل َُب ال ْعِ ل ْ ِم ف َِر‬
• Menuntut ilmu itu wajib bagi setiap muslim. – Shahih: Ibnu Majah no. 224 (‫)كــتاباــلمقدـمة‬, dari Shahabat Anas bin Malik ‫رـضىاــلهـ عنهـ‬.
• 👉hadist ke 5
• *Perintah Istiqamah*
• ‫َاستَ ِق ْم‬
ْ ‫ِالله ف‬ِ ‫تب‬ ُ ْ ‫آمن‬
َ ‫ق ُْل‬
• Katakanlah, ‘Aku beriman kepada Allah’, kemudian beristiqamahlah (berpegang teguh kepada ketaatan). – Shahih Muslim nomor 38.
• 👉hafits ke 6
• *Mengikuti Sunnah Rasulullah*
• Dari ‘Aisyah (‫ )رـضياــلهـ عنهـا‬berkata: “Rasulullāh (‫ )صــلىاــلهـ عليهـ وـسلم‬bersabda:
• ٌّ‫عل َيْ ِه َأ ْم ُرنَا ف َُه َو َرد‬
َ ‫ع َمال ً ل َي ْ َس‬ َ ‫ع ِم َل‬َ ‫َم ْن‬
• ‘Barangsiapa yang melakukan sebuah amal perbuatan yang tidak ada contohnya dari kami maka amal perbuatan itu tertolak!’.” – Shahih Muslim nomor 1718 (‫)كــتابــألقضية‬, ‫ا‬ al-Qowa’id al-Fiqhiyyah. II/26
01 Analysis of teaching
02 Teaching strategy

03 The teaching process

04 Teaching reflection

Analysis of teaching
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This template is exclusively designed by Fei er
creative, and copyrights belong to Bao tu
internet. This template is exclusively designed
by Fei er creative, and copyrights belong to
Bao tu internet.
This template is exclusively designed by Fei er
creative, and copyrights belong to Bao tu
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Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film make it film
Please enter title content here

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector

or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film make it film
Please enter title content here

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it computer, or print the presentation and make it
film film

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it computer, or print the presentation and make it
film film

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it computer, or print the presentation and make it
film film

Teaching strategy
Please enter title content here

Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on The user can demonstrate on The user can demonstrate on The user can demonstrate on The user can demonstrate on
a projector or computer, or a projector or computer, or a projector or computer, or a projector or computer, or a projector or computer, or
print the presentation and print the presentation and print the presentation and print the presentation and print the presentation and
make it film make it film make it film make it film make it film
Please enter title content here

202X 202X 202X 202X

Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film make it film make it film make it film
Please enter title content here

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation

Title text addition

2 The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation

Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation
Please enter title content here

Title text addition

NO.01 The user can demonstrate on a projector
Title text addition or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film

The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector
Title text addition
or computer, or print the presentation and
The user can demonstrate on a projector make it film
or computer, or print the presentation and NO.01
make it film

The teaching process

Please enter title content here

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film make it film
Please enter title content here

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector
04 The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film
05 make it film

Title text addition

03 Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and

make it film make it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector
02 Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film 01 make it film
Please enter title content here

Title text addition
Lorem Ipsum has two
main data statistical The user can demonstrate on a projector
important. or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film Lorem Ipsum has two
main data statistical
Please enter title content here

Lorem Ipsum has two main

data statistical important.
Title text addition

Title text addition Lorem Ipsum has two main

data statistical important.

Lorem Ipsum has two main

data statistical important.
Title text addition

Lorem Ipsum has two main

Title text addition data statistical important.

Teaching reflection
Please enter title content here

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film
Please enter title content here

Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition
This template is This template is This template is This template is
exclusively designed exclusively designed exclusively designed exclusively designed
by Fei er creative, and by Fei er creative, and by Fei er creative, and by Fei er creative, and
copyrights belong to copyrights belong to copyrights belong to copyrights belong to
Bao tu internet. Bao tu internet. Bao tu internet. Bao tu internet.
Please enter title content here

Title text Title text

Title text Title text

Please enter title content here

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector The user can demonstrate on a projector
or computer, or print the presentation and or computer, or print the presentation and
make it film make it film
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