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pleaching technique is a
style of growing trees in a line
with their branches tied together
to form a plane above the trunk. 
Why are trees not usually
propagated by grafting,
layering, budding?
Flip a coin and choose
between head and tail…
Head means quiz
Tail means graded recitation
Review for 10 minutes
and bring out ¼ sheet
of paper.
1. A type of propagation using
small pieces of plant tissues.
2. A special form of grafting in
which the scion consists of either
a single or several buds.
3. What is the other term for
approach grafting.
4. It is the most commonly used
asexually propagation of
commercially grown plants.
5. It is a type of layering where
the original plants are set in the
ground with the stem nearly
horizontal which forces side buds
to grow upward.
6. A style of growing trees in a
line with their branches tied
together to form a plane above
the trunk.
7. Most common method for
propagating fruit trees.
8. Give 1 type of budding.
9. A portion of aerial stem grows
roots while still attached to the
parent plant and then detaches
as an independent plant.
10. When is appropriate to use
vegetative propagation? (Give at
least 1 reason)

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