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Topic 5: The short-term and long-term impacts of the

Industrial Revolution, including global changes in

landscapes, transport and communication.
Overview of lesson
● Recap
● Learning intentions
● Content – PowerPoint
● Video
● Source Analysis
● Swapping sources
● Discussion about swapped source
- What was the best argument you heard
someone suggest in the Tug of Truth ?
- What was one thing you would have
done differently if you did the task again
and why?
- Group leaders – what was one thing you
would do differently and why?
Learning intention
See- Think - Wonder

How would your

life be different
if the Industrial
Revolution did
not happen?
Bit of a challenge today, this PowerPoint does
not have much written notes on it, instead I
have a lot of notes I will speak. This is where I
want you to summarise your notes, as now
your having to write notes from what I am
- Also note taking should be done in your
revision booklet - under activity 2 for topic 5
Short-Term Urban and Rural Population Growth in England and
Impacts: Wales, 1751-1861
(1) Population Growth
and Urban Planning

Rural Urban Rural

Year Total pop Urban pop Rural pop Urban%
% increase increase
1751 5772000 1443000 4329000 25 75
1801 8893000 3009000 5884000 34 66 108 35
1821 12000000 4805000 7195000 40 60 60 22
1841 15914000 7693000 8221000 48 52 60 14
1861 20066000 11784000 8282000 59 41 53 1
An English
Town: Before
and after the IR
• What changes have
• Why did these
changes occur?
• What impacts did
these change have?
Division of Living Areas
In An Industrial Town
The English
Revolution, and
change to the
landscape (colour
litho) by Angus
(2) Improved
(including transport
and communications)
Short-Term Impacts:
(3) Poor Laws and rise of Chartism

Sketch of the Delivery of

the Charter (Unknown
artist, 1839)
Poor Laws
Meeting Poster
designer, 1848)
Clickview Video
1.Pick one source from Page 276-
285 and complete table. Have to
answer the origin, purpose and
1.Pick one source from Page 276-285 and
complete table. Have to answer the origin,
purpose and message.
2.Write down a selected source on a post it note,
half room sticks on one board, other half on
a. You then pick one of the post it notes and
answer the same questions on someones
Topic 5: The short-term and long-term impacts of the
Industrial Revolution, including global changes in
landscapes, transport and communication.
Overview of lesson
● Recap
● Learning intentions
● Video
● Content – PowerPoint
● Activity - listing, categorising and
debating impacts
- Want was one of the short term
impacts your remember and why do
you think it is important
- What would you rank is the biggest
impact on the modern world and
- What surprised you about the last
lesson and why?
Learning intention
(4) Trade
Long-term Impacts:
(1) Emergence of modern lifestyles
(2) Environmental
Impact (including global
changes in landscapes)
New York's changing skyline
Step 1. - List 8 more impacts of the Industrial
Revolution (making a total of 14) - 6 minutes
Step 2. - You are required to categorise these
impacts in a number of different ways, you are
able to do this anyway you suit fit - such as -
colouring, using a table etc
- Categorize the impacts in short and long term
Step 3. - You are required to categorise these
impacts in a number of different ways, you are
able to do this anyway you suit fit - such as -
colouring, using a table etc
- Categorize the impacts into the following areas
- Social
- Political
- Economic
- Environment
Step 4. - Now you are required to rank these
impacts (in your pairs) based on their
importance to Modern Day society
Step 5. - Now you are required to debate your
decision to your group and come up with a
concise list to share with the class
Step 6. - Write your list up on the whiteboard
(one person per group) and class to discuss
- We will have a vote to create a class list

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