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1- Could you tell us a bit of yourself ?

• This is the typical first question on almost all the interviews. Before your
interview day, prepare some short description about yourself. Don’t start
from a very early age, keep it relevant and talk maximum 5 minutes.

2- How did you learn testing ?

• You should explain how you start testing and why you like it. You can
mention that you were always testing applications as a user and decided
to learn more about it. On uDemy you completed education and continue
to work as a freelancer. This information is really powerful and will
increase your chance of getting the job.

Interview preparation
3- Can you explain the SDLC ?

• Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a terminology used to explain

how software is delivered to a customer in a series of steps. So basically
SLDC is the way IT companies delivers a piece of software.

4- How well do you work with others?

• Many QA teams have team members who are from all corners of the
world. QA engineers must be comfortable communicating with people of
all backgrounds and all levels of language proficiency.

Interview preparation
5- What is a Test Case ? What does it include ?

• A test case is document to describes the process how to test the

application. It may include ID, steps description, expected and actual
outcome, assignee, pass/fail, priority, etc.

6- What documents do you refer to write Test cases ?

• If its exist, I would refer to a business requirement document. If document

is not exist i will discuss with business analyst and development team to
have a better clarification and write test cases according to outcome from
the meetings.

Interview preparation
7- What is Bug life cycle ?

• It's a cycle in which a defect goes through during its lifetime. It starts
when a bug is found as “NEW BUG” and ends when it is closed after
ensuring it's not going to be reproduced anymore.

8- What is Backend testing ?

• Backend testing, deals with all those elements that users can’t see. This
means validating the application’s database and API that represent its
business logic.

Interview preparation
9 - When do you think QA activities should start?

• QA activity should start from the beginning of the project. The more early it
starts the more benefit it is to set the standards for achieving the quality. The
cost, time and efforts are very challenging in case the QA activities gets

10- What is negative testing? How is it different from positive testing?

• Negative testing is a technique which validates that the system behaves
gracefully in case of any invalid inputs.
• For example, in case the user enters any invalid data in a text box, the system
should display a proper message instead of the technical message which the
user does not understand.
• Negative Testing is different from positive testing in a way that positive
testing validates that our system works as expected and compares the test
results with the expected results.

Interview preparation

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