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A snapshot of my

I am Keylin Solis and When I was 6 years
old, I lived in Caracas, Venezuela, in a
neighborhood called Las Minas de
Baruta, it had many alleys, so it was not
safe. My cousins and I used to play in the
alley in front of our house but they
always scolded me for the danger.
My favorites toys and games.

My favorite toy was a stuffed animal that looked like

my puppy and I called it pinky. I liked to play on my
computer, roblox and the sims 4, they were my
favorite games, I also used to play Mario games on
my wiiu console, especially Mario Kart
“ My favorite food

My favorite food was the beans

with rice that my mom made, I was
always happy when she made them
My dream
When I was six years old, my dream
was to be a veterinarian because I liked
animals a lot and I still do, but I couldn't
bear to see an animal die and it stopped
being my dream.
My favorites places
My favorite place was the amusement park, I
always went with my family once a year.
The Avila also became one of
my favorite places even though I
only went once, it was very nice
to see Caracas from above in the
mountains and ride a cable car
Thanks for you

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