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Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune

( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )


Department of Computer Engineering

[ Final Year - B ]

TAE I – ( Presentation )

TAE I Submitted to partial fulfillment of the requirement for the 7 th Sem. Of

B.Tech. In Computer Engineering
G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Submitted by Submitted by Submitted by Submitted by

Harsh Jaiswal Rohan Sapkal Shripad Vakil Sandesh Bhale
(BCOC168) (BCOC207 ) (BCOC208 ) (BCOC209 )

Topic : WSN in IoT

Subject : Network Security Fundamentals

Subject Faculty
Prof. Amol Rindhe

…… Department of Computer Engineering..

G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Introduction :

 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network of interconnected sensors that communicate

wirelessly to collect and transmit data from the surrounding environment.

 Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of interconnected devices that exchange
data and perform tasks without direct human intervention.

 WSN plays a pivotal role in enabling the functionality of IoT by providing the data collection
and transmission infrastructure. It forms the foundation for real-time data acquisition,
which fuels IoT applications across various domains.

 The fusion of WSN with IoT has revolutionized industries and everyday life. It facilitates
efficient data monitoring, analysis, and decision-making, creating a smarter, more
interconnected world.

…… Department of Computer Engineering..

G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Key Components :
 Essential Components:
 Sensors: Gather environmental data (e.g., temperature).
 Nodes: Process and relay data within the network.
 Gateways: Connect network to larger systems.
 Cloud Services: Store and analyze data remotely.

 Network Formation:
 Sensors collect data.
 Nodes process and relay data.
 Gateways aggregate and connect.
 Cloud services provide storage and analysis.

 IoT Connectivity:
 Sensors supply real-world data.
 Nodes ensure smooth data flow.
 Gateways link to broader IoT.
 Cloud services offer remote access.
…… Department of Computer Engineering..
G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Highlevel Architecture :
 Sensor Layer: This is where physical sensors are deployed to collect data from the
environment. These sensors could measure various parameters such as temperature,
humidity, light, and more.
 Wireless Communication: The data collected by sensors is transmitted using wireless
communication protocols such as Zigbee, Bluetooth, or LoRaWAN. This layer ensures
that the data is relayed to the network for further processing.
 Network Layer: In this layer, the collected data is routed through a mesh network of
sensor nodes. These nodes communicate with each other and form a network that
enables data propagation.
 Gateway: The gateway acts as a bridge between the wireless sensor network and the
cloud. It aggregates data from multiple sensor nodes and forwards it to the cloud for
processing and analysis.
 Cloud Services: The cloud-based applications receive the data from the gateway. Here,
the data is stored, processed, and analyzed using various tools and algorithms. Cloud
services provide scalability, storage, and computational power required for data-
intensive IoT applications.

…… Department of Computer Engineering..

G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Data flow form sensors to cloud based application :

 Data Collection: Sensors placed in the environment collect data based on their
respective parameters. For example, temperature sensors measure temperature,
humidity sensors measure humidity, and so on.
 Node-to-Node Communication: Sensor nodes communicate with each other to relay the
data towards the gateway. This mesh network structure ensures that even if one path is
blocked or a node fails, the data can still find an alternative route.
 Cloud Processing: The gateway transmits the aggregated data to the cloud-based
applications. Cloud services store the data, perform analytics, and apply algorithms to
derive insights.
 Visualization and Control: Cloud-based applications provide user interfaces and
dashboards for visualizing the data in real-time. Users can monitor the environment,
make informed decisions, and even control devices remotely based on the collected
 Feedback Loop: Insights and actions taken based on the data can influence the behavior
of the IoT system. For example, adjusting irrigation based on soil moisture data or
optimizing energy consumption based on occupancy patterns.

…… Department of Computer Engineering..

G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Challenges of Energy Consumption :

 Energy Constraint: WSN nodes typically operate on limited battery power, leading to a
challenge in maintaining long-term operation without frequent battery replacements.

 Deployment in Harsh Environments: Many WSN applications involve placing nodes in

remote or inaccessible locations where battery replacement is difficult, making energy
efficiency crucial.

 Data Transmission: Wireless data transmission consumes a significant amount of energy,

especially in scenarios with long distances between nodes or high data rates.

 Sensing and Processing: Sensing and processing data can be energy-intensive,

particularly for nodes equipped with various sensors and complex computation tasks.

 Scalability: As WSNs grow in scale, managing energy consumption becomes more

complex, requiring effective strategies to optimize energy usage across a large number
of nodes.

…… Department of Computer Engineering..

G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Techniques used for energy efficiency :

 Duty Cycling:
 Nodes alternate between active and sleep modes to conserve energy.
 Reduces the time nodes spend actively transmitting or processing data.
 Achieves energy savings by turning off unnecessary components during sleep
 Sleep Scheduling:
 Nodes coordinate their sleep and wake schedules to minimize overlap in active
 Ensures that at least some nodes are awake to relay data while others conserve
 Balances the network load and reduces contention during data transmission.
 Energy Harvesting:
 Utilizes ambient energy sources (solar, kinetic, thermal) to recharge or supplement
node batteries.
 Extends node lifetime by providing a continuous or intermittent energy source.
 Enables nodes to operate for longer periods without the need for frequent battery
…… Department of Computer Engineering..
G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Techniques used for energy efficiency :

 Duty Cycling:
 Nodes alternate between active and sleep modes to conserve energy.
 Reduces the time nodes spend actively transmitting or processing data.
 Achieves energy savings by turning off unnecessary components during sleep
 Sleep Scheduling:
 Nodes coordinate their sleep and wake schedules to minimize overlap in active
 Ensures that at least some nodes are awake to relay data while others conserve
 Balances the network load and reduces contention during data transmission.
 Energy Harvesting:
 Utilizes ambient energy sources (solar, kinetic, thermal) to recharge or supplement
node batteries.
 Extends node lifetime by providing a continuous or intermittent energy source.
 Enables nodes to operate for longer periods without the need for frequent battery
…… Department of Computer Engineering..
G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Security risks:
 Introduction to Security Risks: Explain that while Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
enable powerful IoT applications, they also introduce several security challenges due to
their distributed and resource-constrained nature.
 Data Interception: Discuss the risk of unauthorized data interception during
transmission. Highlight the importance of securing data as it travels through the
 Data Tampering: Explain the possibility of malicious actors altering sensor data, which
can lead to incorrect decisions and actions in IoT applications.
 Device Spoofing: Describe how attackers can impersonate legitimate devices, gaining
unauthorized access to the network and potentially compromising its integrity.
 Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: Discuss the risk of attackers overwhelming the network
with excessive traffic, rendering it unavailable for legitimate users.
 Privacy Concerns: Mention that the constant data collection in WSN can lead to privacy
breaches if not handled properly, especially in applications involving personal or
sensitive data

…… Department of Computer Engineering..

G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Real-world applications:
 Environmental Monitoring: WSN sensors track air and water quality, ensuring healthier
 Agricultural Precision: WSN monitors soil, temperature, and crops for higher
agricultural yields.
 Industrial Automation: WSN aids in predictive maintenance, equipment monitoring, and
process optimization.
 Healthcare Enhancement: Wearable WSN devices enable patient monitoring and remote
health tracking.
 Traffic Management: WSN optimizes traffic flow, detects congestion, and enhances
transportation systems.
 Home Automation: WSN-based smart devices control appliances, energy, and security
 Disaster Management: WSN detects natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and fires.
 Wearable Technology: WSN-enabled wearables include fitness trackers and augmented
reality devices.

…… Department of Computer Engineering..

G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

Environmental Impact:

 E-waste Concerns: WSN proliferation raises electronic waste challenges.

 Battery Disposal: Batteries in WSN devices impact the environment when improperly

 E-waste Solutions: Responsible disposal, recycling, and energy-efficient manufacturing

are vital.

 Low-power Design: Advances in low-power electronics reduce energy consumption.

 Longevity: Designing WSN devices for durability reduces replacements.
 Regulations: Regulations for e-waste management and green certifications matter.
 Public Awareness: Education promotes responsible WSN device use and disposal.
 Innovations: Ongoing research focuses on eco-friendly and sustainable WSN solutions.

…… Department of Computer Engineering..

G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Wagholi, Pune
( An Autonomous Institute & Savitribai Phule Pune University )

…… Department of Computer Engineering..

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