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in Nature
and the

 Visible regularities of form found in the natural world and can

also be seen in the universe

 These patterns recurring in different context can sometimes be

modelled mathematically.

 Man developed a formal system of thought for recognizing

patterns which we call mathematics.
“There is much beauty in nature’s clues even without
any mathematical training we can all recognize it.”
- Winston S. Sirug-
Nature’s Pattern
 Mathematical stories have its own beauty which start
from the clues and deduce the underlying rules and

 It is a different kind of beauty, applying to ideas rather

than things.

 The development of new mathematical theories begins

to reveal the secret of nature’s patterns.
 It gives us a deeper vision of the universe in which we
Nature’s Pattern
All snowflakes contain
six-fold symmetry
which no two are
exactly the same.
There are evidences
presented by
mathematician that
hexagonal snowflakes
have an atomic
geometry of ice
Patterns can be seen in fish patterns

Spotted Trunkfish Spotted Puffer Blue Spotter Stingray Spotter Moral Eel

Coral Grouper Red Lion Fish Yellow Boxfish Angel Fish

These animals and fish stripes and spots attest to mathematical regularities
in biological growth and form.
Zebra Cat Hyena Snake

Tiger Leopard Giraffe

Natural patterns serve as clues to the rules that govern the flow of water, sand, and air.

Ocean Waves Dessert Dunes Typhoon

Whirlpool Water Ripples Ball of Mackerel

Natural patterns serve as clues to the rules that govern the flow of water, sand, and air.

V-formation of Geese Tornado formation of Starling

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