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Maria Alida Azul Mores

The word “ETHICS” draws its origin from
the ancient Greek word “ETHOS” which
refers to the character of a person or group.

ETHICS Ethics is based on well-founded standards

of right and wrong that [rescribe what
and humans ought to do, usually in terms of
rights, obligations, benefits to society,
MORALS fairness, or specific virtues

“MORAL” comes from the Latin word

“MORES”, for habits. Example, The moral
of a story is supposed to teach you how to be
a better person. If moral is used as an
adjective, it means good, or ethical. It
concerns with principles of right and wrong
or conforming to standards of behavior and
character based on those principles

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Difference between ETHICS and MORAL

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• It is derived from a Greek word meaning • It is derived from a Latin word meaning “Custom”
• Morals deal with the principles governing the same
• Ethics deals with right and wrong
• It deals with the standards set and followed by a
• It deals with individual character group of people

• Ethics are consistent to a certain context but • Morals are comparatively consistently provided
the beliefs of an individual does not undergo any
might vary between contexts

• Professional and legal guidelines pertaining to a • Cultural norms are often transcended by morality
particular place and time governs ethics.

• Morals are expressed via general rules and

• Ethics are abstract in nature. statements

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Examples Video Clips of Work and Ethics




Presentation Title 5
Similarity and Conflicts between
Ethics and Morals

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Similarity between Ethics and Morals
• When ethics represents the judgment of right and wrong, Morality helps support it by refinements

• Ethics studies the behavior and Morality provides the practical guidance of that behavior

• Both the terms are used to indicate a fine line between what activities should be considered good and
what should be considered bad

• Both Ethics and Morals work side by side to make the learning of good activities faster

• Both concepts help any individual to be a better person

• Both these qualities are desirable for a person

• Both the terms are interconnected in the way that Morals help keep alive the essence of ethics and its
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Conflict between Ethics and Morals
• Conflicts between Ethics and Morals are widely prevalent in the medical profession.
Patients request for euthanization although it considered illegal worldwide.

• Medical professional becomes incapacitated by the ethical standards to act otherwise.

• However, his/her morality might trigger him/her to cater to the freedom of his patient in
deciding on his/her own longevity thus creating a further dilemma.

• The work of a defense attorney, for example, undergoes a constant conflict between the
two concepts of ethics and morals as his morals instruct him to punish all murderers and
his ethics require him to defend his client. This professional commitment needs to be
there even when the attorney is completely aware of his client’s malicious intents.

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Every single individual has some principles which help him
throughout his life to cope up with any adverse situation; they
are known as Ethics. On the other hand, Morals are not the
hard and fast rules or very rigid, but they are the rules which a
majority of people considered as right. That is why the people
widely accept them.

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Ramon B. Agapay, Ethics and the Filipino: A Manual on Morals for Students and Educators,
National Book Store, Mandaluyong City 1550, 2nd Edition 2008

Amparo E. Santos Ed.D., Personality for Today’s Young Professional, National Book Store,
Mandaluyong City 1550, 3rd Edition 2012

Eddie R. Babor, Ph.D., LL.B, Ethics: The Philosophical Discipline of Action, Rex Book Store Inc.,

Video Clip References:

Ethics and Morals 11


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