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ENG- 889

The importance of reading for
We have often heard that reading is essential to improve your writing skills. If you
think that you can write, and you have the abilities that will help you to adopt
writing as your profession, the most important factor is that you read a lot. Being
an avid reader helps you in a lot of ways to improve your writing skills. It is also
important to know that if you are not fond of reading books of various genres,
chances are that you might not excel in your writing career. Reading serves as the
bases of quality writing and if you want to have a career as a story writer, essay
writer, scriptwriter or a novelist, you need to understand that reading will be the
foundation on which you will establish your career as an author.
Here, we are discussing ways in which reading will influence your writing pattern
and will benefit you to enhance your writing skills.

The foremost benefit of reading is that it immensely increases your

vocabulary. Each word has multiple meanings and usages, it is only
through reading that you learn to utilize a single word in multiple ways.
Moreover, when you become an avid reader, you start to understand
various ways a single word can be used in a sentence. You start
comprehending and learn new phrases that will help you to express your
ideas through words and various sentence structures.
Enhances imagination

Reading polishes your imaginative skills. While you read you imagine the
scenarios happening even depict the characters according to the written
explanation. It helps you mature cognitively, critically analyze various situations,
understand, and justify the solutions given. All these practices help you to train
your brain to assimilate various situations and act accordingly. Reading will not
enhance your writing skills but will make you refine your problem-solving skills
that are a necessity in practical life.
Introduces various
writing styles

When you read various genres, works of different classic and modern-
day authors and a diverse range of publications, you will gradually start
to recognize and understand different writing styles. The comprehension
of diversity in writing styles will enable you to develop your own
specified writing pattern. It is important for a writer to have a unique
writing form that will distinguish it from the rest in the league.
Knowledge about the
latest trends

Reading classics and literary works of famous writers enable you to enhance
your exposure, rectify mistakes and increase the understanding of real life,
but reading the authors of your era and the modern best sellers will increase
your knowledge about the latest trends, the topics that readers want to read
and current situations that are gathering the attention of the general readers.
Additionally, reading will provide a comprehensive idea about the modern
ways of writing including phrase and jargon usage.
Instils discipline in life

When you understand that you have to read to make yourself better at
writing, you need to set a schedule to inculcate regular reading. You will
automatically feel the discipline and regulation in your life. The
regularization of reading in your daily routine will train your brain to
assimilate the vocabulary, ideas, and trends on daily basis resulting in steady
growth. Moreover, to get the best outcomes, define a timeline in which you
have to finish the reading material. The designated time frame will increase
discipline, regulation, and self-control that will help you when you will
pursue writing as your career and will have to meet deadlines on daily basis
for the submission of written works.
learning outcomes

Although we have discussed plenty of outcomes of regular

reading, the exposure and comprehension that reading provides
are unimaginable. The cognitive growth of the brain speeds up
from reading which results in the development and betterment
of overall personality and comprehension that reading provides
are unimaginable. The cognitive growth of the brain speeds up
from reading which results in the development and betterment
of overall personality and individuality.

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