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Lesson 9
Specific Objectives
• Identify the effects of changes in materials
to the environment.
• Understand that changes in matter could be
useful or harmful
• Realize the importance of self-awareness.
• Cite examples of useful and harmful
Matter continuously undergoes changes
with the use of the different type of energy.
It can be subjected to physical change or
chemical change to create useful materials
that people need in daily life.
All the materials that people use since birth
are products of chemical and physical
changes in matter.
Useful Changes
 Cooking food and ripening of fruits are
desirable changes, providing us food.
 Freezing water and subliming moth balls.
 Green plants turn carbon dioxide and water
into food with the help of sunlight.
 - This process is known as
Useful Changes
 Evaporation of water from wet clothes
makes the clothes dry.
 Burning of fuel gives out light and heat.
Harmful Changes
 Burning produces smoke that pollutes the
air and releases carbon dioxide in the air.
- Too much carbon dioxide increases the
temperature of the atmosphere and leads to
global warming.
Harmful Changes
- Too much carbon dioxide increases the
temperature of the atmosphere and leads to
global warming.
- Carbon dioxide traps the heat of the sun within
Earth’s atmosphere that causes an increase in
the temperature. The phenomenon is called the
greenhouse effect. This melts the ice in polar
regions causing water level to rise.
Harmful Changes
 Rusting weakens objects made of iron.
 Bleach is a useful whitening agent but it can
damage clothes soaked in it for a long time, it
may also irritate the skin so it is important to use
gloves when handling bleach.
 When food is not kept properly, it will spoil. Mold
and bacteria will grow in it, making it unsuitable
for consumption.
When is a change harmful or
 Changes in matter could be useful or
harmful. A change in matter is useful if it
gives benefit to other living things and
environment, otherwise, it is harmful.
Making connections to a body
What Happens in My Body?
Did you know that physical and chemical
changes also happen in our body?
When you trim your nails and have your hair
cut, your nails and hair undergo physical
changes. When you eat, your teeth chew,
grind, and mash the food to make it easier to
swallow. These are examples of PHYSICAL
As you eat, your salivary glands secrete
saliva to help you break down the food
easily. This is an example of CHEMICAL
CHANGE. Your body gets energy from the
food you eat in the process of metabolism.
Metabolism is a chemical change in the body.
It converts the food you eat to energy so you
have the power to move, think, and work.
After the food is eaten, small particles in the
body called enzymes break them down into
sugar. These are absorbed by the blood which
is transported to the different cells in the body.
What should people do to
minimize the harmful effects of
 Know the proper way to use the materials
by reading the labels on their packages or
 Wear proper protective equipment such as
masks, googles, gloves, boots, and head
caps when using harmful materials.
 Learn how to conserve all the materials
that you use.
 Keep metal tools, appliances and other
things at home dry and clean to avoid
 Dispose your household wastes properly.
Segregate your household wastes into
biodegradable and non-biodegradable
 Practicing and applying the 5R’s methods
in waste management (Reduce, Recover,
Reuse, Recycle, and Repair) in our daily
“I am Positive”
I am positive to become ______________.
As a responsible youth, I will ______________
to contribute positive changes in the
“Changes can be useful or harmful. In life, it is important
to be aware and be able to analyze how you think, act and
behave. Yes, loving yourself is essential but if the
qualities you have are not anymore healthy for your self-
growth and to the people around you change for the

- Community Independent Journal

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