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2 Quarter




Reviews the concept that art processes, elements

and principles still apply even with the use of
FACT or BLUFF. Write FACT for the pictures that
apply the use of technologies and BLUFF if they are
Show your creativity. Draw a cartoon character of yourself
when you are happy, shock, angry, cool and sleepy
What is digital painting?
Painting is a well-known art form since beginning of time
and until now. But nowadays, the traditional form of painting
comes to a new form of art – the Digital Painting. The
perennial change in painting has now utilized the use of
digital software and tools to create artworks. The creation of
digital painting relies heavily on the use of computer and
painting software which use paint brush much like
traditional painting.
Because of the inclusion of computers or technology to
painting, every goals of painting becomes easier to
achieve. Furthermore, computers allow the artist to
enhance their skills and creativity in painting.
Computers also offer a lot of advantages in painting. These are
as follows:

• Mistakes and errors are much easier to correct.

• Less messy and more organized work environment.
• Colors do not fade and brushes will never be shabby.
• Stages and versions can be accessed and retrieved any time.
• Transferable and printable.
• Easier distribution and reproduction of works to interested
• Easier duplication of works (ideal for working with clients)
• Less costly since one does not need to buy art materials when
they ran out.
Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or
other medium to a surface.
The application of the medium is commonly applied to the
base with brush but other object may be used.

While Digital painting is an emerging art form in which

traditional painting techniques such as water color, oils,
acrylic, impasto etc. are applied using digital tools by means
of a computer, a digitizing tablet and stylus and software.
Digital painting process is also likely the same as traditional
painting, elements of arts such as color, form, line, shape,
space and texture are still used together with the principles of
art like scale, proportion, unity, variety, rhythm, mass and
space, minus the materials, tools and how the artwork to be

Digitally painted arts are highly defined, bold appearance and

sharp forms images. Its gradient is perfectly smooth and it is
more realistic.
Check-up questions
1. What is digital painting?
2. Are Elements and principle of arts still used in Digital
Painting? What are examples of these elements and principles
of arts?
3. What technology is used in digital painting?
4. As an artist, how helpful is digital painting?
5. What are the advantages of using computers in digital
Observe these paintings closely. Apply your learning to
appreciate them. Tell how the artists expressed themselves in
unique ways.

1. What can you say about the two paintings, are they the
same? Why?
2. In what way are they in common?
How do you realize that art processes, elements,
and principles still apply to digital painting?
Directions: Study the following digital paintings and tell
something about each painting in terms of color, line, shape
and texture. Are these characteristics also found in a
traditional painting?

Identify and appreciate the elements and

principles of arts applied in digital arts.
Elements and
Applied in
Digital Art

1. What is digital painting?

2. What technology is used in digital painting?
Match the picture with the effective use of the principles of arts
applied in digital art. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
The elements and principles of art and design are the
foundation of the language we use to talk about art. Here are
the elements and principles in digital art.

Contrast - Contrast is the difference between elements of art

in a composition, such that each element is made stronger in
relation to the other.
Balance is concerned with the visual distribution or weight of
the elements in a work of art.

Balance can be achieved in 3 different ways:

a. Symmetry- in which both sides of a composition have the same
elements in the same position, as in a mirror-image, or the two
sides of a face.
b. Asymmetry- in which the composition is balanced due to the
contrast of any of the elements of art. For example, a large circle
on one side of a composition might be balanced by a small square
on the other side
c. Radial symmetry- in which elements are equally spaced
around a central point, as in the spokes coming out of the
hub of a bicycle tire.
Emphasis- Used to make certain parts of an Artwork stand
out by making it different from other areas. It creates the
center of the interest or focal point.

Movement- How the eyes move through the composition;

leading the attention of the viewer from one aspect of the
work to another. Can create the illusion of action. Movement
is the result of using the elements of art such that they move
the viewer's eye around and within the image.
Pattern- The repetition of specific visual elements such as a
unit of shape or form. A method used to organize surfaces in
a consistent regular manner.

Rhythm- Regular repetition of, or alternation in elements to

create cohesiveness and interest. Rhythm can create a feeling
of movement which leads the viewer’s eye around the work
of art.
Unity- Visually pleasing agreement among the elements in a
design; It is the feeling that everything in the work of Art
works together and looks like it fits.
Line- Line is an element of art defined as the path of a point
moving through space. There are many types of line in art.

Shape- It is an area defined by an outline or edge. A flat,

enclosed area that has two dimensions, length and width.
Artists use both geometric and organic shapes.
There are two kinds of Shapes
a. Geometric shapes- are precise areas that can be made using
a ruler or compass. These shapes can be simple or complex
and generally give an artwork a sense of order. Examples are
triangles, squares, rectangles, circles or other polygon figures
that can be measured mathematically.

b. Irregular shapes- are non-geometric, free-form shapes and

can’t be measured mathematically
Color- Is one of the most dominant elements. Color is the
visual property of the pigment of an object that is detected by
the eye and produced as a result of the way the object reflects
or emits light.
Value- Value in art refers to the lightness and darkness of
colors and is often described in varying levels of contrast.
Form- is an element of art closely related to shape. Like
shape, form can be geometric or irregular. However, unlike
shape, form is always three-dimensional.

Texture- Describes the feel of an actual surface. The surface

quality of an object; can be real or implied.
a. Tactile/ Actual Tactile texture- is the actual feeling of a
surface that can be touched.
b. Visual or implied texture- Visual texture is the illusion of
texture in an artwork. Think of a photograph of a forest. The
texture of the trees and leaves is seen, but the photograph
remains smooth.
How do you identify digital paintings? Put a heart symbol (
)inside the box of a digitally painted materials. Explain why
you choose that picture. Write your answer on a separate sheet.
Directions: Look at the artwork carefully. Identify the
principles of arts being portrayed. Choose the correct answer
on the box and write it in your answer sheet.

1. Regular repetition of, or alternation in

elements to create cohesiveness and
2. A method used to organize surfaces in a
consistent regular manner

3. Used to make certain parts of an

Artwork stand out by making it
different from other areas
4. It is concerned with the visual
distribution or weight of the elements
in a work of art.

5. It is the result of using the

elements of art such that they move
the viewer's eye around and within
the image
What are the elements and principles used in digital
How are these elements and principles applied in
digital painting help you appreciate pictures?
Write TRUE if the sentence is true and write the correct
answer if it is false.
_____1. Elements of arts are the visual tools that the artist
uses to create a composition.
_____2. Value in art refers to the lightness and darkness of
colors and is often described in varying levels of contrast.
_____3. Asymmetry in which both sides of a composition
have the same elements in the same position, as in a mirror-
image, or the two sides of a face.
___4. Movement is an arrangement of opposite elements
(Light vs. dark, rough vs. smooth, small vs. large, etc.) in a
composition so as to create visual interest.
___5. Form is an objects that are three-dimensional having
length, width and height.

identify software tools and apply concepts on

the use of software (commands, menu, etc.)

What are the elements and principles used in

digital painting?
What software tools are used in digital painting? What is a
Brush tool? Like traditional painting, digital painting
primarily makes use of a lot of colors. Your software has
several tools that provide all colors you will need and make
coloring in you painting easy. The following are the primary
coloring tools. It is also recommended that you begin with
brush tool.
The Brush tool – this tool applies color
to your work, similar to the way a
traditional paintbrush would apply
paint on a canvass or paper. The edges
of the lines created when using the
brush tend to be slightly softer than
that of the other tools, mimicking a
real brush.
Burn Tool - this tool darkens an image

Dodge Tool – the dodge tool lightens the


Eraser Tool – It cleans up imperfections in

your work, making your job a lot easier
Gradient Tool – use this tool by dragging the
pen to highlight a color and make it fade
from dark to light.

Hand Tool – tool moves around an image

within an object. Use this with the zoom tool
when you want to adjust the section of the
picture you want to look at
Paint Bucket Tool - This tool fills or
makes an area one color

Pencil Tool - the Pencil tool behaves much

like the brush except that it has hard edge.
The Pencil tool options are basically the
same as the Brush tool
Pen Tool - the Pen tool makes lines and
can be used to create different shapes

Sponge Tool - the Sponge tool

soaks color out of the image

Type Tool - This tool places text

in a picture.
What are digital brushes?

Brushes are the heart of all painting software programs. They

are of central importance to the techniques needed to make
the characteristics that you like to have in your work. All the
brush properties can be accessed in the Brushes palette. The
Brushes palette is the engine room where you will make
most of your modifications.
Brushes Basic

1. Define the shapes of the brush tip

(hard, soft, round or flat) and size of a
brushstroke- Tip type and size of
brushes can be changed in the brushes
palette. They can be set to either large
or small size, or from fat to thin.
Brushstroke types ( bristle, smooth,
scattered, shaped) can be varied – The
pen stylus can be
controlled to change the shape of the
brush. It can be made to scatter the
brushstroke and define the relationship
of foreground and background colors.
Brushes opacity (how much paint is applied
and how transparent it is)
can be controlled to show
the manner and extend of the
changes to the stroke.

Brush interaction with support (paper/ canvass, etc.)

determines whether the brushstroke will be applied with a
Identify the software tools in Column A and match it with
its name in Column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided. (Number 1 is done for
1. What are the software tools used in digital

2. How are these software tools applied in

digital painting?

Identify and appreciate the elements and

principles of arts applied in digital arts.
Put a check mark(/) if the statement is true and X if the
statement is false. Answer it on your paper.
_____1. Type tool places text in a picture.
_____2. The pen tool makes lines and can be used to create
different shapes.
_____3. Brushes are the stars of all painting software
_____4. Dodge tool darkens an image.
_____5.Computers can make you a better artist.
Have you ever wondered just what digital paintings are?
Look at the two paintings below. Observe the difference in
each picture.
Can you now tell which one was painted
How were you able to tell the difference?
Which one do you like better?
Advantages of Using Computers in Painting

• Errors can easily be corrected.

• Work is done in an organized, no-mess environment.

• Colors do not fade and brushes are never worn-out.

• Stages and version(s) of the artwork can be saved, filed,

and easily retrieved.
• Work can be transferred or printed on almost any media

• Work can be formatted and easily e-mailed to interested

A painting is considered a Real Painting if:

1. the canvas peeps through the oil paint

2. the brushstrokes appear thick or thin on the board or


3. each artist mixes and blends colors to build forms

4. the watercolor washes can blend
5. the watercolor is deposited on rough paper

Answer the following questions below:

1. What is digital painting?
2. How can you say that a painting is real?
3. Who is the great impressionist made the oil canvas (self-
Make a sample of digital painting based
on the lessons you learned.
What are the advantages of Computers in

How can you tell the difference between the

real and digital artwork?
Put a check mark (/) before each statement that describes your attitudes and
feelings during and after doing the artwork.
_____1. I can appreciate the elements and principles applied in digital art
_____2. I realized that art processes, elements, and principles still apply
even with the use of technologies.
_____3. I can apply concepts on the use of the software (commands, menu,
_____4. I can understand my classmates better through their participation
in class
_____5. I can create a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g., Van
Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.)
PeTa: 1

I can do this! Make a painting

using new technologies (hardware
and software).

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