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Computer Organization

Assembly Language
Lab 07
Engr Muneeba Mubarik

Source index
Arrays in assembly language

Collection of characters in sequence.

Why do we study arrays?

To store multiple values in sequence with single variable name

For example: var db 12345678
General syntax to initialize arrays in program

.model small
.stack 100h
arr db 1,2,3,4,5
arr db ‘m’,’u’,’s’,’a’
arr db ‘musa’
arr db 3 dup(’z’)
arr db ?,?,?,?
arr db 4 dup(‘?’)

Main proc
Source Index Register

Why we need SI register?

To access array, it will act as pointer


Mov si, offset arr (offset gives starting address or address of first value)
Mov dx, [si] (use bracket to access value else it will give address to dx)
Mov ah,2
Int 21h
Inc si

WAP that prints the following array:

Array using loop
Mov cx,8
Mov dx,[si]
Mov ah,2
Int 21h
Inc si
Loop A1
Mov ah,4ch
Int 21h
Main endp

WAP that prints array ‘c’,’o’,’m’,’p’,’u’,’t’,’e’,’r’ using loop.

WAP that prints array 5 10 times using loop.

WAP that input vowels and print array using loop.

Maximum no and Minimum no in
arr db 7,3,5,4,2
main proc
Mov ax, @data Loop L1
Mov ds,ax Add bl,48
Mov si,offset arr Mov dl,bl
Mov cx,5 Mov ah,o2h
Mov bl, [si] Int 21h
L1: Large:
Cmp [si],bl Mov bl,[si]
Jge large Jmp compare
Inc si
main endp
end main
Take user input in array
arr db 5 dup(?)
main proc
mov ax, @data mov si,offset arr
mov ds,ax mov cx,5
mov si,offset arr L2:
mov cx,5 mov dl, [si]
mov bl, [si] mov ah,02h
L1: int 21h
mov ah,01h mov dl, 32
int 21h mov ah,02h
mov [si], al int 21h
inc si inc si
Loop L1 loop L2
main endp
end main
Nested loop example
. .model small
.stack 100h
main proc mov bx, 1 mov dl,10
mov ah, 2
mov cx, 5 int 21h
L1: mov dl,13
push cx mov ah, 2
mov cx, bx int 21h
inc bl
Mov dl, '*' pop cx
mov ah,2 loop L1
main endp int 21h
end main loop L2
Home task

Solve Assignment 02 & Prepare the topic for Quiz.

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