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Practice DBQ

The Scramble for Africa

In 15 Minutes ON YOUR OWN:
Analyze each document
Group them in at least 3 different ways
Identify POV for at least 2
Construct a thesis statement
AP Review Class: DBQ
 Great thesis for this essay:
 “In response to the European Scramble for Africa,
some Africans resisted initially with diplomatic
responses aimed at maintaining peace with the
European powers. When diplomacy failed, Africans
resisted with violence, while others drew upon their
religious traditions for strength in remaining
independent. Yet another reaction among Africans
was to encourage others to fight back. Some Africans,
meanwhile, complied with and even willfully
participated in the continent’s colonization by
Groupings for this Essay
 Diplomatic Responses: 2 & 3
 Violence Responses: 4, 5, 8
 Religious Responses: 3, 8
 Rebellious Responses: 6 & 7
 Participant Responses: 1 & 9
Point of View
 Document 2: “Prempeh’s rejection of
protectorate status under British rule goes
to great lengths not to offend ‘Her Majesty’
and insists that the Ashanti kingdom must
remain on good diplomatic terms with all
‘white men’, even as he flatly rejects the
British offer. The cordial wording of his
response can be read as an effort not to
provoke the British into seizing the
kingdom by force.”
Additional Documents
 1. The African rulers who signed over their land
to the Royal Niger Company.

 2. British witnessing the rebellions of the African


 3. Specific: African leader whom Maheror (Doc

7) wrote to to see whether or not he adhered to
his advice to organize an uprising.
 Submit to me a strong thesis statement.

 Submit to me a body paragraph by

Thursday’s AP Class that contains your
grouping topic sentence,
evidence/analysis and POV for documents
that are grouped.

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