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Power, Use of
Force, and
Lesson 16
•Social- peer pressure, bullying, leader,
teacher, parents.
•Economic- the perpetrator controls money
or access to goods/services/ money/ favors;
sometimes the husband or the father;
•Political- elected leaders, discriminatory
laws, President of the United States.
•Physical- strength, size, use of
weapons, controlling access or security;
soldiers, police, robbers, gangs.
•Gender-based (social)- males are
usually in a more powerful position
than females
•Age-related- often, the young and
elderly people have the least power.
Use of Force/Violence
“Force” might be physical, emotional,
social, or economic in nature. It may
also involve coercion or pressure.
Force also includes intimidation,
threats, persecution, or other forms
of psychological or social pressure.
Informed Consent
Consent means saying “yes”
agreeing to something. Informed
consent means making an informed
choice freely and voluntarily by
persons in an equal power
Cycle of Violence
The cycle of violence refers to
repeated acts of violence in a
relationship. It starts with
minor incidents and moves
on to more serious levels of

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