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It is the sum of how you
are feeling,thinking and
acting within your
-Is described as the profound
understanding of your own
emotions,positive and negative
characteristics,needs and
Benefits of self awareness
- You have the ability to evaluate your own
strengths and weaknesses
- Increasing productivity
- Increasing your ability to contribute.
- Create self esteem and confidence.
- Setting appropriate life and career goal.
3 Dimension of Self Awareness
1.Self esteem- How you sincerely appraise
your worth
2.Self confidence- defined as your belief
and trust in your own abilities and strengths
3.Self Image – is how you perceive your
own appearance ,personality and abilities.
Components of self awareness
Internal Self awareness – refers to how you
accurately view your own values,beliefs,life
goals,thoughts and feelings.
External Self Awareness- relates to the comprehension
of how other people view you as an individual.This is
how you think other people see you.
Activity:Read the story.
1.Who is/are the main character/s in
the story?What problems did he/they
2.Would you describe Joshua as
someone with high self awareness?
Why or why not?
Mini Johari Window
Know to self Know to others
Mood Tracker
For each day ,draw an emoticon inside the circles provided below,For
instance draw a happy face if you were happy and draw sad face if you
were sad.You can also be more specific with your mood of the day by
copying an emoji online.Next write short reason for your emotions.
1.How does it feel to have accomplished a 7 day
monitoring via the mood tracker? Why?

2.Based on the output of this activity ,what was the

emotions that you felt most frequently during the week?
Why do you think you felt that way?

3.Did the mood tracker help you become more aware of

your emotions during that week? In what ways?

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