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By : Paul Pérez
 Definition :
Noise pollution is an invisible danger.
It cannot be seen, but it is present
everywhere. Noise pollution is
considered to be any unwanted or
disturbing sound that affects the health
and well-being of humans and other
 Quito, is unfortunately grappling with a significant challenge of
noise pollution. The bustling streets, constant traffic, and rapid
urbanization have contributed to an increasing cacophony of
sounds that disturb the city's residents.
  The noise generated by  construction activities, and commercial
establishments has reached alarming levels, affecting both the
physical and mental well-being of the population.
 Public awareness campaigns and educational programs should
also be conducted to emphasize the importance of responsible
behavior and the adverse effects of excessive noise on health
and well-being. By taking these steps.
Last semester, during exam week, I was taking a calculus exam in the
same building where repairs or construction were taking place.
As everyone knows, the university had undertaken some renovation or
construction work. Unfortunately, just as I began my exam, a noise
pollution issue arose due to the construction activities.
My classmates and I found it extremely difficult to focus and complete our
exams. After discussing it amongst ourselves, we decided to approach our
professor and asked if he could intervene and request the construction
workers to temporarily cease the noise.
Our teacher, who is truly kind, exceeded my expectations by personally
going to the construction site and successfully arranging for the noise to
The presence of excessive noise can be incredibly frustrating and
distracting, especially during an exam when concentration is crucial for
solving mathematical problems.
  First, stricter regulations on noise levels emitted by vehicles, machinery, and
construction sites.

  Secondly, public awareness campaigns should be conducted to educate individuals

about the harmful effects of excessive noise and encourage responsible behavior.

 Lastly, collaboration between governments, industries, and communities is crucial

to develop effective noise control strategies . By taking these proactive steps, we
can mitigate the adverse impacts of noise pollution and create a quieter and
healthier environment for all.

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