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The Self as a Product of
Sociological perspective of the self is based on the
assumption that human behavior is influenced by
group life.
This chapter draws on the principles and concepts
of well-known sociologists to foster student
understanding of sociology and how sociology
impact students' everyday lives, and provide a
pathway to self-understanding of "WHO YOU ARE"
and"WHAT YOU ARE" in contemporary society
Sociology as a scientific study of social groups
and human relationship generates new insight
into the interconnectedness between the self
and other people.
The looking-glass self by Charles Horton cooley and
the theory of the social self by Charles Horton
cooley and the theory of the social self by George
Herbert Mead are helpful in understanding how a
person views himself as he or she interacts with the
social environment the includes family, school,peer
groups and mass media.
Sociologist Charles Horton Cooley in 1902 introduces
the looking-glass self to highlight that the people
whom a person interacts with become a mirror in
which he or she news himself or herself.Self indentify
or self-image is achieved though a threefold event
which begins by conceiving an idea of how a person
present himself or herself to others,how he or she
analyzes how others perceive him or her, and how he
or she creats an image of himself or herself .

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