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Style Through

Sentence Writing
Regular practice in sentence
combining enables you to find clear
ways to express your ideas. To write
effectively you must form good
sentences consistently. Sentence
combining can help you achieve
that goal.
Writing is a game.
It is full of challenges.
It requires regular practice.
It leads to personal rewards.
Four strategies for combining

1. Deleting repeated words.

2. Using connecting words.
3. Rearranging words.
4. Changing the form of words.
Direction: Combine each
cluster of numbered items
into one or more sentences.
1. The alarm clock rang at 6:30
2. It brought Gary out of bed.
3. He had slept only few hours.
1. He had thrashed about.
2. He had been unable to sleep.
3. He was worried about an
4. The interview was for the
1. Now he blinked heavily.
2. He leaned against the square
of tile.
3. The squares were smooth.
4. The tile was in the shower.
5. He tried to wake himself.
1. Warm spray stung his back.
2. It prickled his shoulder.
3. He only wanted to close his
4. He only wanted to go back to
1. His brain had become a
2. The sludge was thick.
3. The sludge was viscous.
1. He worked shampoo into his
2. He turned under the shower
3. The shower head was hissing
4. He hoped to revive himself.

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