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The Scientific Method
● Set of steps to follow in order to perform a
scientific experiment

The steps of the scientific method are outlined

on the next page. We will look at each of these
steps throughout the rest of the slideshow. Take
a few minutes to review the flow diagram on the
next page
Steps of The Scientific Method




1. Question
◻ Scientists are curious, they ask a lot of questions
◻ What makes a good scientific question?
🞑 It’s simple and direct
🞑 It’s testable
🞑 It compares 2 things
“What is the effect of LIGHT on PLANT GROWTH ?”
(independent (dependent
variable) variable)
2. Hypothesis
◻ Make a prediction based on what is known
◻ An educated guess

“What is the effect of sunlight, on plant growth”
often seen as “If” “then” statement

“If” the amount of sunlight increases, “then” the plants will

grow taller
(the D.V. changes
like this)

(you do this to the

3. Design the Experiment
Identify the variables (factors that can change the
🞑Independent Variable (I.V.): the variable changed by
the experimenter (You!) Example - amount of light
🞑Dependent Variable (D.V.): the variable that changes
as a result of I.V. (example - how tall the plant grows)
🞑Controlled variable(s) (C.V):
all other factors that are kept
the same (constant) so the experiment
is fair (examples:
3. Designing the Experiment Cont.
❏Write a list of required materials needed to
perform your experiment
❏Write a procedure (step by step instructions to
conduct your experiment)
❏Create observations tables to record your data
4. Conduct the Experiment
◻Make observations and gather
information/evidence to answer your hypothesis
Qualitative Observations:
Information gathered through your senses
◻ Describes in words
◻ Ex: colour, odour, taste, luster
◻ “The rose is red and has a
sweet smell”
4. Conduct the Experiment cont.
◻ Quantitative Observations
◻ Based on measurements
◻ Deal with numbers (often included units)

◻ Ex: Length, time, temperature, number of items

◻ “The rose’s stem is 14cm long with 5 leaves”
5. Analyze the Data
◻Analyse your data and look for patterns or trends.
◻Creating a graph of quantitative data can help see

◻Was your hypothesis supported?

◻Summarize what you learned from the experiment
and back up your hypothesis with your data.
◻Maybe your hypothesis was not supported. In this
case you would explain why.
◻Summarize any sources of error or ways to
improve the experiment in the future
7. Next Steps
◻share your findings with other scientists by
writing up a lab report
◻redo the experiment in a better way
◻ask new questions to do
further research on the topic
To Do

1. Complete Scientific Method Worksheet

3. Review for Safety Quiz

1. Watch Byron
B. Blackbear
and answer

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