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Table of contents:
Importance of knowledge
01 Explanation about knowledge

Why knowledge is power?

02 Reason

How knowledge help us in our life?

03 Use provided by knowledge

How to improve knowledge?

04 Improve our knowledge
Definition of KNOWLEDGE:

Knowledge is something
that will serve you your
whole life.

of knowledge
Benefits of Knowledge

 The knowledge is something

that increases the more you Example:
share it. It protects your • For daily activities
intellectual capital that is your Reading, enjoying
knowledge. Likewise, humans
different things.
have used their knowledge to
create things that we can’t • Entertainment programs.
imagine a few centuries back. It • Learning purposes.
helps us to convert our ideas • For educational activities.
into reality and also it helps us
to reach the success that we
desire in our life.
02 Why knowledge is power?

 It helps us to convert our ideas into

reality and also it helps us to reach the
success that we desire in our life.
Moreover, knowledge assists us to
differentiate between what is right
and what is wrong. It helps us to
overcome our faults, weaknesses, and
dangerous situation in life.
03 How knowledge help us in our life?

 Knowledge sharpens our skills like

reasoning and problem-solving. A
strong base of knowledge helps
brains function more smoothly and
effectively. We become smarter with
the power of knowledge and solve
problems more easily.
04 How to improve knowledge?

 Knowledge encourages growth: Learning new

things keeps us mentally sharp, helps us
develop new skills, and can even improve our
memory. It's also a great way to gain new
perspectives and understand different
viewpoints. Knowledge creates opportunities:
The more we know, the more we're able to do.

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