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Cold War

Alunas: Ana Carolina, Hanna Braga, Paola Oliveira e Valentina Rocha

The Cold War was a political-ideological conflict
that was fought between the United States (USA)
and the Soviet Union (USSR), between 1947 and
1991. The conflict between these two countries
was responsible for polarizing the world into two
large blocks, one aligned to capitalism and the
other aligned to socialism.
•The main element in dispute was military and technological hegemony. In this sense, the two
countries became involved in a blind race to decide which of the two powers possessed the greatest
amount of nuclear weapons and technologies, as well as the best programs and space achievements.
•It was caused by the ideological rivalry that existed between the US and the USSR after World War II.
•The United States and the Soviet Union represented two opposing systems of government.
•The major differences were that the Soviet Union was a communist country, which was ruled by a
dictator who put the needs of the state ahead of personal human rights, whereas the USA was a
capitalist democracy, which valued personal freedom and feared communism. This signalled the start
of the Cold War.
•The American way of life was, and is, based upon the will of the majority, and is distinguished by free
institutions, representative government, free elections, and guarantees of individual freedom, freedom
of speech and religion, and freedom from political oppression.
•Since the second war, the USA and Russia were disputing who would have won the war, in the end, the
two arrived sort of together in Berlin and then they decided to divide East - Russian and USA - West.
Berlin in areas of influence (Russians x Capitalists).When the USA dropped the atomic bomb on Japan,
the world was afraid, Russia started to dress in ato bombs. micas and such, but if there really was a war,
they could wipe out so much of the world if there was a fight with the bombs.
•During 1989 and 1990, the Berlin Wall came down, borders opened, and free elections ousted socialist
regimes everywhere in eastern Europe. In late 1991 the Soviet Union itself dissolved into its component
republics. With stunning speed, the Iron Curtain was lifted and the Cold War came to an end.

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