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Yaqeen batch 2016 ^^

Group A
Mini-OSCE (6 year)

22 August 2021
Q1: this is a partogram for a
primigravida in labor:

A: what is your interpterion of

progress of labor in this case?

B: Mention the most likely cause of such

progress in this case.

C: Mention 2 clinical findings in this

case that support your diagnosis.

D: What is your next step in management?

Answers of Q1:

A: Failure to progress.
B: Obstructed labor.
C: Moulding, no fetal descend, fetal distress.
D: CS.
Q2: The images shown are for patient who
is seeking pregnancy:

1) What is the name of this pathology?

2) What is the name of the test in B?
3) Mention 2 other conditions could be
diagnosed by this test.
4) Mention one possible cause for this
Answers of Q2:

1) right hydrosalpinx.
2) Hysterosalpingogram (HSG).
3) Uterine fibroid / endometriosis.
4) Adhesions due chronic PID.
Q3: The images are for two patients at 38 weeks gestation: A
1) Mention one risk factor for B.
2) What is the denominator in A?
3) What is the main complication if patient in B developed
rupture of membranes?
4) What is the recommended mode of delivery of B once she is in
labor? B
5) Mention one contraindication for external cephalic version.
Answers of Q3:

1): placenta previa

2): sacrum
3): cord prolapse (Dr Amer said it’s the only accepted answer)
4): CS
5): Previous uterine scar from cesarean delivery
Q4: Regarding the conditions shown in A B
the images (note from me ^^: those are
prolapse images, each one is prolapse of
the pointed organ):

1) Name one possible symptom the patient

might have in A.
2) Name one risk factor for C. C
3) What is the recommended treatment
for B in a healthy patient?
4) Name two treatment options for C if
the patient want to preserve the uterus.
Answers of Q4:

1) feeling of incomplete voiding (Dr Amer said that this is the answer
they want, not urinary incontinence because patients not always
have it. But he then changed his mind and considered urinary
incontinence a correct answer ^^).
2) Multiparity.
3) Posterior colporrhaphy.
4) Sacrohysteropexy / pessary.
Q5: This is colposcopy image:

1) Name the solution applied to the cervix.

2) What is the most appropriate next step?
3) Name two viral subtypes causing this.
4) Two methods to reduce the risk.
Answers of Q5:

1) Acetic acid.
2) Cone biopsy (the only accepted answer).
3) HPV 16,18 (the only accepted subtypes).
4) barrier contraception / vaccine.
1) What is the most common side effect?
2) Name 2 contraindications.
3) Can used as emergent contraception if inserted with?
4) For how long it could kept inserted ?
Answers of Q6:
1) Menorrhagia ( the only accepted answer).
2) Copper allergy / current PID.
3) Within 5 days of unprotected sex.
4) Up to 10 years.
Q7: pregnant patient presented with left calf pain with redness:

1) What is you diagnosis?

2) How to confirm?
3) Why pregnancy increase risk of this diagnosis?
4) What investigation should be done after delivery ?
Answers of Q7:

1) DVT
2) Doppler
3) hypercoagulable state / prolonged immobility due bed rest.
4) Thrombophilia workup
Q8: 32 years primigravida medically free, gestational age is 31 weeks.
Gestational age also same on ultrasound. The fetus’s weight is above
the 90th percentile:

1) What is the most common cause?

2) How would you confirm your diagnosis?
3) Mention additional 3 complications in the third trimester.
4) Mention 2 intrapartum complications.
Answers of Q8:
1) Gestational DM (not accepted if DM alone).
2) Oral glucose tolerance test.

3) a-Malpresentation / b- Stillbirth / c-increase the risk.

of preeclampsia (not sure of b and c ^^).

4) Increase the risk of CS / shoulder dystocia / fetal distress.

Q9: 52y patient, On ultrasound patient found to have solid mass:

1) Name two additional findings for malignancy.

2) What is the most histological in this case?
3) If there is no metastasis, what is ………… (can’t remember)?
4) What is the role of chemo (it was asking about chemo but sorry I
can’t remember)?
Answers of Q9:

1) Thick septations / Ascites / metastasis / bilateral mass (was

considered weakly correct, but still correct ).

2) Serous (epithelial was accepted).

3) Staging laparotomy of ovarian cancer.
4) Use chemo if grade 3 and above.
1) Name those maneuvers.

2) Write 2 complications of
shoulder dystocia.

1) a- Mcroberts maneuver
b- Suprapubic compression
c- Gaskin all-fours maneuver

2) Hypoxia / Erb's palsy.

‫الجروب األول‬:
one station composed of 2 cases:

1) Urinary incontinence (urge incontinence).

2) Preterm labor.
‫الجروب الثاني‬:
One station composed of 2 cases:

1) Menorrhagia
2) Secondary postpartum hemorrhage
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