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BBPPMPV Bisnis dan Pariwisata

Karakteristik Project-Based Learning
 Student-driven learning:
 design,

 development, and
 publication
of authentic projects, products, and related
learning outcomes
 Deep learning through active exploration
 Provide learning experiences for students while simultaneously
centering them in the learning process itself.
 Collaboration
Design Thinking Process
1. Empathize:
The Design Thinking process starts with empathy. In order to create desirable products and services, you
need to understand who your users are and what they need.
2. Define:
In the second stage of the Design Thinking process, you’ll define the user problem that you want to solve.
3. Ideate:
The third stage in the Design Thinking process consists of ideation—or generating ideas. ...
4. Prototype:
In the fourth stage of the Design Thinking process, you’ll turn your ideas from stage three into prototypes.
5. Test.
The fifth step in the Design Thinking process is dedicated to testing: putting your prototypes in front of
real users and seeing how they get on.
Skenario Penerapan pada Pembelajaran

 Emphatize: Setiap peserta diklat mengidentifikasi

masalah yang terjadi
 Define: Apa yang terjadi, apa penyebab?
 Ideate: Brainstorm beberapa alternatif solusi
 Prototype: Membuat dan mengeksekusi gagasan
 Test: Evaluasi dan corrective feedback
Implementasi Design Thinking

Masalah yang dihadapi dosen Masalah yang dihadapi oleh siswa

We treat dosen as a learner, and let We treat dosen as a dosen, and let
them have learning experience them design a project-based learning
for their students

Apa masalahnya, apa penyebab masalahnya Apa masalahnya, apa penyebab masalahnya
• Vocational/Technical skills
• Pedagogical skills
Diimplementasikan di tempat magang / Diimplementasikan di sekolah
Membuat Rencana Projek
Tindak Lanjut

Menulis Jurnal reflektif harian selama

implementasi DT
Menulis artikel ilmiah untuk publikasi

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