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1. Jason was bewildered by the strange noises coming from his A. Confused
neighbor’s house.
2. In 1905 symphony concerts were embarked on, and continued for B. Boarded/go on board
several seasons.
3. It had an absurd ritual and a weird uniform. C. Strange
4. The little princess was sitting at a small table, chattering with Masha,
her maid.
D. Babbling/talking

5. She smiled wistfully, thinking of their time together on the mountain. E. regretfully

6. The Koreans did not accept the restoration of Japanese influence F. doubt
without demur.
7. Small children are even afraid to approach the thick, glass enclosure G. forbidding
that surrounds the formidable lion.
8. His gentle courtesy and quaint speech won my heart. H. Old-fashioned
9. A group of young boys, curious of where the old man would be I. curious
brought, were too inquisitive that they followed the old man to the
police station.
J. fortunate
Who are the main characters in the story?

How would you describe each character in the story?

At first, what made Mini think that the Kabuliwallah was a dangerous and a
frightening man?
What kind of relationship do Mini and the Kabuliwallah have in the story? Why
do you say so?
Why do you think the father did not forbid his daughter Mini to talk and play
with the Kalibuwallah?

Why do you think the mother is begging her husband not to allow Mini to talk
and play with the Kabuliwallah?
How do you show
appreciation for one’s
own uniqueness and
giftedness as a human

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