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Topic :

Learning objectives Success Criteria

To learn that wealth of a country is sometimes more Describe the difference in the response to earthquake in
significant than the strength of an earthquake in japan compared with the less developed countries around
determine the severity of the effects. the Indian ocean.
To learn poor countries find it difficult to deal with Explain why poor countries find it difficult to deal with
effects of natural disasters like earthquakes effects of disasters like earthquakes
Think and share!

Activity-Watch the video and share your understanding.

Why is it impossible to predict the earthquake exactly?
Success criteria- Explain why developing countries find it difficult to deal
with disasters like earthquake

Think and share!

Why under developed or developing countries find it difficult to deal

with earthquakes?
Describe the difference in the response to earthquake in japan compared with the less developed countries around
the Indian ocean
Activity- Think about these question and share your responses.
Answer the questions in your copybook.
Did you achieve today's learning outcome?
Learning objectives Success Criteria

To learn that wealth of a country is sometimes more Describe the difference in the response to earthquake in
significant than the strength of an earthquake in japan compared with the less developed countries around
determine the severity of the effects the Indian ocean.
To learn poor countries fin it difficult to deal with poor Explain why learn poor countries find it difficult to deal
countries. with earthquakes.

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