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The process of removal of water from any solid substance is called drying. Most processing in leather
manufacture are carried out in the water medium and hence the necessity of its removal toward the end of the
manufacturing process. leather is a solid. fibrous material

Drying of leather is dried and prepared for the subsequent finishing

Leather Dry; Water content 8-14 other

reference 8-20 %
Determination of water content (IUC/5, DIN 53304)

G1 = weight of sample before drying

G2 = weight of sample after drying
Drying of leather looks simple but it is not that simple. this is very important.
The operation of drying at any stage of leather manufacturer greatly influences the character of final leather.
Drying of leather, is must be emphasized, is not just simple removal of water from the leather
The temperature and humidity of the drying room, the rate at which the air flow and removes moisture from
the leather, the extent of drying are all very important and should be controlled to preserve the leather from
undergoing physical and chemichal changes
Types of hang-drying based on the supply of
1). Air drying without the supply of energy: low price
method, however dependent on weather conditions

2). Air drying with the energy supply: drying room, tower
or rack drying method with hot air.

Nailing : the simple method is to set out the

skin well and then nail it out flat on board

Nailing : the simple method is to set out the

skin well and then nail it out flat on board

Toggling : is similar in principle but the

wooden board is replaced by toggling frame,
either of heavy gauge wire mesh or
perforated metal
Tanned leather drying_Chrome

Initial drying of chrome-tanned leather (after samming, setting out) should

preferably be carried out at 45-50◦C an the relative humidity of the air should be
fairly high i.e 70-80%. After about 1-2 hours drying the temperatures is gradually
increase to 55-60◦C and relative humidity decrease to 60-70%. When the leather
has been fully dryed (moisture conten about 10%) it should be removed from the
drying room and pilled in the cool storage room to pick up moisture uniformly. At
this stage the moisture conten increase to 20-22%. The leather is then ready for
conditioning or saw dusting. Heavily retanned (with syntan or vegetable tanning)
leather must be dries at 45-50◦C at relative humidity of 80%.
Tanned leather drying_Vegetable

Fully vegetable tanned leather, on the other hand, is dryed at fairly lower
temperature, not exceeding 22-28◦C, relative humidity 60-75%. vegetable tanned
leather dried at high humidity tend to be mellow and more even, but rather darker
colour. Leather dried at low humidities are patchy with dark edges. According to
the same author, dark patches, particularly at the looser portion of the hide may
also due to excess water soluble matter on the serface layers caused due to high
water conten of the leather at the time of drying. It is therefore suggested to
remove excess water by mechanical samming before the leather is subjected to
oiling off and drying.
Tanned leather drying_Chrome
The other reference mentions that vegetable tanned leather is usually
dried below 50◦C, chrome tanned leather below 70◦C and chamois
leather below 45◦C. Higer drying temperatures produce greater
shrinkage and "crustier" leather. If temperature on the wet leather are
too high they can cause "burning" or permanent shrinkage to hard,
cracky state


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