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são verbos auxiliares
(verbos que auxiliam os verbos de ação)
•Expressão “would like” = gostaria
•Acrescenta – ia, -íamos, -iam ao
•Descrever ação repetida no passado
WOULD LIKE = gostaria
I would like to do something tonight.
Eu gostaria de fazer algo hoje à noite.

Would you like some tea?

Você gostaria de um pouco de chá?

She would like to stay here.

Ela gostaria de ficar aqui.
Would + verbo = -ia, -íamos, -iam
I would travel if I had time.
Eu viajaria se tivesse tempo.

We knew we would win.

Nós sabíamos que ganharíamos.

Would they do that?

Eles fariam isso?
Would para descrever ação repetida do
passado (costume).

I would come here a lot as a child.

Eu vinha muito aqui quando criança.

We would spend hours playing games. It was

Nós passávamos horas jogando. Era incrível.
• Expressar algo que é provável.
• Pedir ou dar conselho.
• Demonstração obrigação, dar recomendações ou
mesmo uma opinião.
Should para expressar algo que é provável
She should be here by 3pm.
Ela deve chegar aqui às 3:00.

He should be bringing his book.

Ele deve estar trazendo seu livro.
Should para pedir ou dar conselhos

You should get up at 6am tomorrow.

Você deve se levantar as 6 amanhã.

Should I call her?

Devo ligar pra ela?
Should para demonstração obrigação, dar
recomendações ou mesmo uma opinião
You should stop eating sweets.
Você deveria parar de comer doces.

We should go for walks more often.

Nós deveríamos fazer caminhadas com mais frequência.
1. “I _________ home right now, if I were you”
a) Would go
b) Would take
c) Would look
d) Would buy
2) ________ you _______ to come visit me?
a) Would – to like
b) Would – like
c) Would – liking
d) Would – be able to like

3) I _____________ that money. I’d prefer to save it

e) Would spend
f) Would not spend
g) ‘d spend
h) Would keep
4) He said he _____________ her because she is really special for him.
a) Would help
b) Would not help
c) Wouldn’t help
d) Would take

5) You __________ your cell phone during the class.

e) Should use
f) Shouldn’t use
g) Should have used
h) Should stop
6) She ________ in na hour or so.
a) Should arrive
b) Shouldn’t arrive
c) Should have arrived
d) Should not arrive

7) It’s too cold. You __________ a jacket.

e) Should not wear
f) Shouldn’t wear
g) Should wear
h) Should have worn
8) He is always sleepy in the morning. He __________ so late

a) Should stay up
b) Shouldn’t stay
c) Should stay
d) Should not stay up

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