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Example Of

1. Like An Instrument

 As a Place to put a sterile instrument

2. Cord klem

 To clamp the umbilical cord of a newborn

3. Tensimeter

 Measuring blood pressur

4. Alcohol swibe

 To clean bacteria on the surface of the skin

5. forceps

 To help remove the baby

6. Gym ball

 To increase the diameter of the pelvis

7. towel

 To dry the body

8. boots

 As a personal protective equipment

9. crooked

 Place for dirty tools during operation

10. clamp

 To hold thin tissue

11. catheter

 To remove and enter liquids

12. doppler

 To hear the fetal beats

13. Heating needle

 To sew a wound
14. needels

 To penetrate the skin in order to enter the drug

15. thermometer

 To measure temperatur
1. Nausea : mual
2. Crowded : sesak
3. Bleeding : perdarahan
4. Cramps : kram
5. Cough : batuk
6. Fever : demam
7. Pain : nyeri
8. Achy : pegal
9. Tired : lelah
10. Diarrhea : diare
11. Rash : ruam
12. Dizzy : pusing
13. Limp : lemas
14. Infection : infeksi
15. Herpes
1. Consuming : mengkonsumsi
2. Push : mendorong
3. Secrete : mengeluarkan
4. Pinning : menjepit
5. Measure : mengukur
6. Sewing : menjahit
7. Let go of : melepaskan
8. Holding on : memegang
9. Prepare : mempersiapkan
10. Protec : melindungi
11. Clean : memebersihkan
12. Close : menutup
13. Treat : mengobati
14. Inject : menyuntik
15. Bring : membawa

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